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All Content by aa24212

  1. I am a LPN and there is no doubt that I want to get my BSN, but I'm unsure on how to do it. I have just been accepted into a LPN to RN program that I would complete in May 2009 and if I bridged to...
  2. Critical Care test

    My experience was similar to mina123's. Most was tele strips and the most common ICU drips. I didn't have a lot of ICU experience and I passed easily, so I am sure you will do
  3. What nursing shortage?

    From what I have seen, there isn't much of a need for RN's and there definitely isn't a need for LPN's in Virginia. CNA's are in CRITICAL need. Most of the hospitals/nursing homes are hiring LPN's...
  4. money back from RUE?

    I was done just like many of you. Here is how I got out of it. File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (www.bbb.org). Here are things I found out. 1. a faxed document is not legally...
  5. Anatomy & Physiology For Excelsior

    I would strongly recommend using the book recommended by Excelsior. I used it and passed with an A. The A+P for Excelsior is far more complex than LPN A+P, so I wouldn't use you old book. I haven't...
  6. You don't actually need to major in something before entering nursing school. There are 3 programs you can choose. LPN (generally works in MD offices, Long term care), Associate degree RN (generally...
  7. Short Staffed - Vent

    I have never experienced anything this severe, however, the ICU where I work was having some problems similar to this. One night when it was really severe, a nurse anonymously called JCAHO and also...
  8. I work in what is considered to be one of the lowest paid areas in northeast TN and here is what they pay new RN's: $17.85 base 12% shift differential after 1445 through 0715 $1 extra for BSN $1 extra...
  9. Patient Care Tech and CNA?

    In the hospital I work in, a CNA has formal education and passes a certification exam; and a PCT has no education and no
  10. Need Advice about Job Offer!

    When I read this, I payed close attention to one thing you said - Hospital one- 16 openings??? Why??? I have to thing there is something going on for them to have this many openings. I would at...