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All Content by nitetimeobnurse

  1. Complete and total disregard for Visiting Hours! (vent)

    Because I work in OB, we have strict visiting policy ofr some and not so strict for others, Labor and delivery limit is 3, no changes until delivery, then the world can come in, after visiting hours on ob the limit is one, thry to make the three peop...
  2. Should I be offened or not?

    This could spin a whole new string of comments about offensive things doctors say to nurses. but it is much better to do as Miranda has the right idea, don't drive yourself crazy, especially if you know you are doing things in the right order for yo...
  3. Oldest pregnant patient you have seen?

    The oldest we have had was 51, and ironically we had 2 patients that same week that were 35 getting their hysterectomies. the youngest is 11, and it is crazy to see how proud these babies partents are when they have babies. I had one little girl sh...
  4. Question about your rooms..

    Our infant area of the room, is equiped with a curtain to close, but not a separate room.
  5. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    The labor and delivery unit at our hospital has its very own ghost, it hangs out in the empty rooms, you can just feel the hair on the back of your neck when you go into some of these rooms when no one else is there. One night I was doing my nightly...
  6. Is the reason no live vaccines because of your surgery as a child, or because of the ramifications for your tiny patients???
  7. cord blood kits

    My understanding is that it is believed that essential stem cells that may be needed to your baby in the future. It is supposed to be a way to protect your baby from some serious diseases or disorders, that may require these type cells for replaceme...
  8. Nurse tracking devices

    One problem that we have found with these if you work in a facility that uses alot of travelers, there is not enough equipment to go around, so if something happens to a patient, the one who gets blamed it the one person who lasst entered the room.
  9. How long to wait for Madame Placenta??

    I had a patient with retained placenta, went to or to remove it, got patient back to OB, and a couple hours later, she then had extreme cramping and bleeding, and passed what appeared to be the placenta, You gotta know the doctor didn't like that pho...
  10. Would I lose a lot of time from AA to ASN? I am lost

    Most of the classes that you have taken should be considered, but you will probably have to take a few science classes, like Micro and Chemistry, if you haven't already.
  11. silly little question

    Most of the time it is usually 100.5 when the doc wants to know, or if celcius 38.0 is what I hve been told in the past to notify of.
  12. Vaginal Exams

    probably not what you want to hear, but as you get experience you will learn, I had a 2nd year resident tell me to always, decrease what you think by one, and you will be fairly close, and if someone checks behind you and that extra one is there no b...
  13. Job at RISK, PLEASE HELP with ADVICE

    I don't think I am old enough to be this cynacle (sp) about alot of things, but our hospital is living through huge amount of changes as well, it has been 2 years since our facility was purchased by a company that turned it from a not-for-profit, to ...
  14. Do not ever think that this list will be complete, even after 15 years of nursing, I still find do not ever do things, that I wished I had known at the time.
  15. Suggestions needed.......

    Alot of hospitals offer nurse extern, or intern positions especially for nursing students, to get you the kind of experience to help you in the future, and they are willing to work around your school schedule, because it is a kind of cooperative.
  16. What to say?

    I agree whole heartedly with this but it is also to tell her to go to nursing school before she starts trying to tell you or someone else (ie: physician) your job. She sounds more than just lazy she sounds dangerous.
  17. Do you think this is true?............

    I honestly don;t know how a study like that could have been conducted. Everyone knows if they just asked us what we needed and really listened, they might actually be able to make us happy, but no one has ever asked.
  18. I want to change jobs, be a Walmart Greeter

    I have been in this for a long time to see some awful, things, but also some unbelievable miracles. On hospital I worked at we had a full term IUFD, confirmed by 2 residents and an attending, 12 hours of labor with harsh medications and out bounced ...
  19. Please help me with my new Customer-er...I mean Pt

    Just wanted to say, the entitlement attitude, does make me crazy at times too, especially when you have someone of that age having her mother speak for her. But even more are the ones that come in with their 13 year olds, believe they deserve nothin...