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All Content by Streamlined

  1. Offended by Prayer

    How could a prayer of any kind possibly be construed as offensive when you take into account the idea that all the belief systems in the world are for the comfort and mitigation of fear for the LIVING, not the dead. You're alive, you're scared, you'r...
  2. Now THIS is some interesting content. My mom got killed by a drunk driver 21 days after my first child was born. Mind you, I'm an agnostic now, but I am a believer in how important it is to so many people to be a believer. Anyway, a few weeks after ...
  3. When you call in sick...

    THe unit I work in now has very little flexibility for when a staff nurse calls in sick. Our manager is a freak about making you feel even worse when you do call in. Never says anything like "hope you feel better" or any such normal behavior. SHE com...
  4. Murses

    We have enough stupid new words. This would be one more reason for the ignorant public to feel less than respectful of nurses. Who came up with this anyway?
  5. Should RNs do housekeeping job or is it our job?

    I work in a tidy little Ambulatory Care now, but one of my favorite med/surg memories involves the day I approached a patient's bedside with the intention of removing his femoral vas-cath, and accidently knocked over a urinal (full) and a vase of flo...
  6. Eat Before You Get Here!

    When I worked med/surg, part of my assessment process included checking for the menu/TV sign. If the patient asked about how to work the TV and/or asked for a menu within the first five minutes of his arrival to the unit, that constituted the "positi...
  7. feelings about double rooms

    I couldn't take the bruises anymore and finally quit the med/surg unit in the high-ranking hospital I once worked at mainly for the semi-private room issue. I'd say 50% of my time was spent moving patients--their beds, their stuff, their bedside comm...
  8. What does your post name reflect about you?

    Mine is a reference to my favorite pastime--swimming. And swimming is the most fitting metaphor for life in general: you need to be smooth, be efficient, make every stroke count, make no waves or energy-wasting splashing, be mindful of the other swim...
  9. transgender nurse (transvestite)

    Dear Nurse Cathy, Please remember that this is a human being that you're talking about. If you're uncomfortable, why don't you take a moment to sit down with her and get to know her. Ask her what pronoun to use, for example. She has all the answers f...
  10. Too much testosterone at work- frisky doctors

    I'm all for putting an end to harrassment, don't think I condone it in any way, but bear in mind that most doctors are society's social imbeciles. Here I risk making a blanket stereotype and I should know better, but think about it. They spend their...
  11. Another Thread for Gas-Passers

    Dear Fartella, If you have dietary habits that you suspect could be the cause of your nether decibels, why don't you try eliminating them systematically? I'd start with the diet Coke. There is nothing good about soda, your body will never miss it. As...
  12. patient lingo...

    And don't you love all those people who take pregnisone? I'm also especially fond of those lucky people who had great results with that Lasix surgery on their eyes.
  13. I need some advise.

    Your profile says you live near the ocean. Which ocean? Is there any chance that you are enough of a fish-eater that you might have toxic levels of mercury in your system? This is a little-appreciated concern on the West Coast and very few doctors ar...
  14. Are you afraid to approach minority staff members? WHY?

    I work in a hospital in the SF Bay Area where the pain assessment scale that is posted over every bed is in 6 languages (not including the smiley/crying faces). I feel no friction with any staff person, but I get very edgy about a certain "type" of b...