
2003rn ASN, RN

Geriatrics, Med-Surg, Corrections

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About 2003rn

2003rn has 4 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg, Corrections.

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  1. Wexford health care in corrections

    :eek:I also think the PTO time with Wexford leaves a lot to desire. Having to use it as sick time, if you are a few minutes late you are charged 15 minutes of your PTO time, with this system, you can...
  2. Scrubs for Prison

    We aren't allowed to wear khaki (general population inmates), red or orange (segregation i/m) or bright yellow (diagnostic i/m), we can't wear denim scrubs
  3. Need Honest answer

    I started in correctional nursing at the age of 49, I am now 54. I love it. I don't think you'd have any problems at all.
  4. Wexford health care in corrections

    We have Wexford, it's ok, but PTO time isn't good. We have to use PTO as sick time as well as vacation time, also if you're late, even by one minute, you get 15 minutes of PTO time taken away, it just...
  5. Med errors--

    Thanks for your input. Our MARs are preprinted, but there are so many new orders or changed orders by the time we get them, that we pull charts to make sure the orders are written correctly....
  6. Med errors--

    :rolleyes:There have been a lot of med errors in the last few months in our correctional facility. We are double checking physician's orders, checking each others orders as they are taken off the...
  7. To lpnflorida, In our facility, the inmates fill out medical service requests when they have an illness, these requests are picked up and triaged everynight. If there is someone who is suffering from...
  8. We have discussed the commissary list with the higher-ups. They refuse to make changes. Even the prison cafeteria serves bad choices. The inmates have all the bread and butter that they want(no...
  9. Another thing...Our I/M's get to order commisary a couple times a month, they get sodas, candy, cookies, pepperoni, ramien noodles, chips etc. The diabetics eat all that junk, then come to medical...
  10. I work in a women's correctional facility, >450 inmates. We charge $3 for a sick call, there is $2 more if they are referred, $3 more if they complain about something other than the original sick...
  11. Demands from inmates

    I work at a women's max. security prison. The only thing going on at pill call is passing meds. If the med nurse thinks the I/M really needs medical attention, the I/M is sent to the medical unit. We...
  12. what meds do you routinely crush?

    We crush all
  13. Something doesn't feel right

    I work in a female correctional facility, there is never an inmate in our unit without an officer there. Our officers watch our cleaners in every exam room, etc. In my opinion, I wouldn't want the...
  14. Wexford??

    I'm not sure if it the same Wexford or not. I hear that Wexford got all the prisons and jails in our state (WV). I have worked for CMS for 2 years and have no complaints about their company. Thanks...
  15. Wexford??

    Our contract with CMS was out bid by another company-Wexford- Have any of you heard of this company? We don't know what to expect, just got word about the change today, it will take effect Jan....