
just_cause BSN, RN

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  1. Semi-informed question about military nursing...

    I don't believe OCS branches to nurse corp. nurse corp requires BSN. In addition OCS branch assignment is needs of the Army. Already looks like you have come to a decision but just
  2. Army or AF?!

    GS Nurse, aka Army Civilian Nurse. Perhaps this is a good
  3. The board does not view or have the option of viewing the actual PT score or weapons qualification
  4. Rank Questions

    My personal opinion is going in as an O2 has some benefits.. it allows you to get acclimated to the military environment, job billets geared towards clinical positions etc. If you go in as an O3 your...
  5. Rank Questions

    keep in mind regardless of constructive credit you need one year active duty before being eligible to submit for a board. so if you came in as a 1LT based on 40m constructive you'd still need 1 year...
  6. Women in Combat Arm's Units

    I agree, lets make it fair. I'm from a combat arms background as well. First thing is to update the selective service act so it is mandatory for all females 18-30 to register and also eliminate that...
  7. Women in Combat Arm's Units

  8. Med-Surg certification exam

    from my understanding critical care shows 18mo med surg exp required prior to course
  9. Med-Surg certification exam

    I'm on a med surg floor. Our section sponsors staff to go through the med surg prep course (funded by local unit) and then I will follow through to take the cert test. (at this time I'm not sure how...
  10. LPN (or ADN RN) to Corpsman/Medic?

    Jeck, for the OP do you know if he went to basic then ait for combat medic then ait for LPN? Only note I would throw out is to look at the pre-reqs you have and maybe look at pre reqs for enlisted to...
  11. LPN (or ADN RN) to Corpsman/Medic?

    Combat Medic in the Army - you can enlist in. You will go to basic then the training to become a medic. Medics later on can apply to become an LPN after some additional schooling 52weeks. I know there...
  12. Allowing Corpsman to Become Nurses

    The role of combat medic and nurse are completely different role, skill set, scope, etc. The Army combat medic can apply to attend a 1-year long school to gain a skill identifier M6 where they then...
  13. When were you expecting to start? At what point were you planning to be within ht/wt and minimal PT standards? no to much sympathy here :) That being said - Go bust your butt. Get stronger, drop...
  14. Military nursing.. Need advice/info!!

    OP military is very competitive in recruiting of RN's right now. Retention is high, supported by recent years of over recruiting based on recent history of what was a higher turnover... they already...
  15. Hearing from your recruiter

    what branch... route....