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All Content by Susan9608

  1. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    Wow, it really seems like - from reading some of these posts - that some lpns and associates prepared nurses - look down on BSNs. I can't count the number of times I've read that LPNs can run circles around BSN nurses or that someone would rather ha...
  2. No union in Texas. Complaints to my particular manager, her manager, and finally our HR department about specific individuals and the overall atmosphere towards people with children vs. people without children earned me some shocked looks and remarks...
  3. Oh please ... could you be any more patronizing? I never claimed to have any first hand knowledge about parenting or what it's like to want to breast feed. What I said was don't lecture me about the benefits of breast feeding because I"m sure I'm ...
  4. I'd like to see the evidence based information on this. I mean, do these mothers not know how to use formula or something? Are they not feeding their babies anything at all if they can't breast feed? I don't know how much more flexible and supporti...
  5. I'm sorry but I find this condescending as hell. YOU have no idea what I plan to do about feeding my future children. I have no intention of breast feeding - and if I happen to change my mind, then it will be my decision and therefore my responsibi...
  6. Well, since on my unit, the non-breast feeders don't even usually get LUNCH, I guess I need to force myself to lactate just to get a break. I'm sorry, but even as a pedi, NICU, and current PICU nurse, I just can't agree that breast feeding mothers sh...
  7. does anyone regret becoming a nurse?

    I regret it almost daily. But I still do it. I don't know if that makes me crazy or a glutton for punishment or if I secretly enjoy it more than I think I do, or some combination of the 3.
  8. If I have to stay over 10 minutes to cover for someone who can't get their kids to day care or if I get called in on my day off because someone didn't have a contingency plan for an illness with their child, it pretty much ticks me off. My time is ...
  9. Being a patient, your opinions

    I had terrible pain control both before and after an appendectomy at the hospital i worked for. They also put me in a semi-private room with a patient who had MRSA immediately after my surgery. And before my surgery, when I was in the pre-op holdin...
  10. Patients on Medicaid

    I'd do the same thing I do now. My own insurance pays for both PCP visits and ER visits and PCP visits require advance planning, sometimes requiring several days notice, while the ER will see me at my "convenience" for free/small co-pay. When I fee...
  11. Patients on Medicaid

    ETOH detox? It's no wonder he was belligerent and abusive. You can't really expect reasonable, rational behavior from someone detoxing. If you're an ER nurse, I'd think you'd already know that. Perhaps he was an alcoholic. If he was detoxing that...
  12. Patients on Medicaid

    This is a very interesting question - one that I'm asking myself now and one I remember asking myself when this thread first popped up. Some of the opinions I've read throughout this thread seem made up of social darwinism ... and that seems to me to...
  13. Patients on Medicaid

    I'm one of the people who mentioned something about people being in charge of their own fertility. What I said was that when women feel like they have a meaningful social role to fulfill, they find ways to control their own fertility. So instead of...
  14. "Having sex on the fold out chair next to your 6 week old baby is disgusting and you're making so much noise that I can hear you out in the hall way." "Your 2-year-old is a brain-dead gork because you don't have 2 brain cells to rub together and didn...
  15. How To Handle?

    Yesterday, towards the end of an extremely busy shift, my direct supervisor chose to approach me directly in the doorway of my patient's room and tell me, "Oh by the way, according to our policy, I have to give you a verbal warning regarding attendan...
  16. How To Handle?

    For my evaluation, I was given some paper work to fill out. One of the questions asks, "How can your supervisor and manager help you do a better job?" I wrote some stuff, and then added at the end, "when there is a problem with any part of my perfor...
  17. How To Handle?

    Thank you all for your replies. I'm still very torn about how to handle this issue. I've had two other problems with her, both of which I've kept quiet about, so I'm thinking keeping quiet about things is not helping anything. The first incident i...
  18. Die Hard Nurse

    I took a three dollar an hour pay cut to leave my cushy, boring little job in order to move to a very high stress PICU job. I'm glad I did, though I miss the extra money. whomever said that their sanity was worth it is right on. My sanity was worth...
  19. Would this be inappropriate?

    A month or so ago, maybe a little more, I took care of a child who was the victim of an accidental strangulation. Despite massive resuscitative efforts, the best estimates were that he had been without oxygen for over 65 minutes, and he was eventual...
  20. Would this be inappropriate?

    Thanks everyone, for the opinions. I appreciate it. I think I'll send the card. I'm not worried about any legal issues. The mother really felt like it was her fault, but the death was ruled accidental (it was a coroner's case.)
  21. I didn't actually get written up, but I got scolded pretty badly by the head of security, the director of nursing, and my nurse manager for this. I worked in a children's hospital. One of the parents approached me in the hall, saying she couldn't fi...
  22. I'm sorry but I'm EXTREMELY irritated by this!

    I don't really find it appropriate for anyone to tell a customer or a patient that they don't have time to help. I think that's just rude and tacky. Perhaps I'm being too picky on the way it's phrased, but I think that there are other ways of telli...
  23. I'm sorry but I'm EXTREMELY irritated by this!

    I don't really think that there's anything wrong with patients wanting the nurse to smile at them. Most people prefer to be greeted by a smile, rather than by a stern or unhappy looking face. Smiling takes almost no effort and can go a long way to ...
  24. Difference of Opinion...Opinions Needed!! *LONG*

    I have to say, I don't totally agree with this. Unless it's some kind of internship where a staff nurse has agreed to become a preceptor, then students are their instructor's responsibility during clinical time, *not* the staff nurse's. I think it...
  25. Difference of Opinion...Opinions Needed!! *LONG*

    Personally, I think you should have reminded the nurse that you would only be giving PO meds on your patients. Nurses get too many students from too many schools who are all in varying levels of school to remember what each student from each school ...