

Med-Surg,Critical Care, Radiology,GI

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About monkeelouise

monkeelouise has 15 years experience and specializes in Med-Surg,Critical Care, Radiology,GI.

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  1. You Know You're A Nurse If...

    or your thing to yourself, Please keep breathing until I get
  2. An actual statement made to a resident "Medical degrees are now being given out to each patient admitted to the hospital " To the patient complaining that their follow up clinic appointment wasn't...
  3. 5 second applies everytime
  4. You've had this for 5 years and today it is an emergency? or WOW, that's bad. or There is a lesson I am supposed to learn here, or If your doctor said jump off a cliff,would you do
  5. You Know You're A Nurse If...

    True Story- My sister and I (we are both nurses) were eating lunch at a restraunt. This lady walked by us on the way to the ladies room, she lost her cookies allover the floor beside our table and...
  6. How do you deal with explosive customers?

    As a manager, I smile, I listen, I take the person to any empty exam room. to talk to them, ( no Audience calms many). I assure them we are all working on their problem, which may or may not be the...
  7. Or.... "You don't know why you are here in the clinic being seen today" Hmmm, Were you ever SICK?" "No, We do not provide taxi service for patients, here is the phone book, No, I do not have the...
  8. Reply in support of these posts. I am an RN and FORMER FAT PERSON. Been there, done that, wrote and burned that book. Talk about IRREVOCABLE IGNORANCE. You have a right to your anger but so do...
  9. Willis-Knighton/LSUHSC Pay

    I worked for both systems. LSUHSC all the way! Level 1 Trauma Center, you will see more in 1 month there than you will see in a year elsewhere. Love to go to work every day, always a stimulating,...
  10. Advice

    Start putting out feelers for another job, or everyone works for the MDs, feel them out, let them know these scheduling changes are inconsistent with your employment agreement and cause a hardship....
  11. Things actually said: To the 500 pounder with a dx of syncope: NO, you won't fit in a standard commode chair. We don't have a wheelchair that size. Who takes care of your personal hygiene at home? To...
  12. Troubles as a new manager

    I am a former nurse manager. NEVER,EVER,EVER CONFIDE in a subordinate. Many of the suggestions are right on in these posts. 1. Form relationships with other nurses outside of your facility. 2. Ask...
  13. Stupid things said by your non-nurse significant other

    My vet let me take our dog home to recover from an accident, he had hematuria, my husband freaks, Do Something, Do Something. I said what? He said you're the nurse, your supposed to know. I said I...
  14. Things you'd really like to say to patients but can't.

    Yes, I really did wake up this morning planning just how bad I can make your day, aren't you special. Or the jewel I really did say to a house supervisor when she complained about our having to move a...
  15. Let me hear your raves

    We all need a place to vent. This is a wonderful forum in which nurses can let out their frustrations. Do not be let what you read cloud your judgement about nursing. Nursing is the most...