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About pugmama1970

pugmama1970 specializes in CNA.

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  1. Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Plan Goals Implementation Evaluation - Subjective Data: Mrs. Brown is a 75 year old patient...
  2. Has anyone heard of LPN TEAS Entry Exam

    I heard it is basic algebra, fractions, percents, ratios, decimals , division and multiplication you can find free practice tests on the
  3. Information not sticking

    I use flash cards galore and carry them everywhere I
  4. I Am In!!!!!

    I can't wait to be saying I am in also ,Congrats! I Don't know about your nursing program but I heard that once you are in the work is very intense , keep us
  5. Average GPA

    Well, most nursing programs are highly competitive and they require a 3.0 minimum gpa however, it is best to try and go above that because there are many students applying that will get a 3.5 or...