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About uraqt2

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  1. Received employment offer

    Processing an inmate into a facility is getting a H&P done, getting all labs done (in my state they include HIV & syphilis also if they already have Hep C we include a liver panel), and TB...
  2. New LPN going for correctional nursing.

    As a LPN my major role is to pass medications. However, we also will note orders, re-new medication orders that are expiring and forward to the provider for review, make sure MARs are current and...
  3. Demands from inmates

    I don't usually have this problem as the inmates know that when I'm doing med pass I am NOT there to do sick call or other procedures. Med pass is exactly that med pass. However, I do not want to...
  4. inhalers

    I can understand wanting to save taxpayers dollars; however, the fact still remains that you should not be reusing MDI's. I suggest that the policy needs to be changed (easier said than done I know)...
  5. OTC meds given upon request?

    At my facility we use to have the officers give OTC meds out and keep a log but somewhere along the lines it was changed to nursing needed to give them out and keep records that went in the chart....
  6. Am I wrong to think...

    A paper trail is the right thing to do. The DON needs to be made aware of such behavior and the "lovebirds" should be split up if they cannot work together. This type of behavior never ceases to...
  7. standard med times

    Our med pass times are 0400, 1000, 1500 and 1800. Our med passes are adjusted around counts and feeding. If an inmate doesn't want to get up isn't a reason to change the times. We will only change...
  8. This is a folger adam key. It is used to open doors and food slots. If an inmate gets a hold of one of these it's a recipe for

    I agree that it's very frustrating that inmates usually receive better medical care than the "free world". It's also well known to those who work in corrections that inmates will abuse this privilege...
  10. How do you handle this one

    It's always frustrating when custody attempts to run what medical needs to do. I am very fortunate and have an excellent rapport with the majority of custody staff so this isn't usually a problem for...
  11. Is It Easier?

    Very well said Michelle
  12. Question about CEU's?

    CEUs most definitely a requirement to renew your licence. In NV. you also need 30 to renew. Many facilities will offer CEs so that you don't have to pay for
  13. Need your opinion, please

    As much as I don't like to write orders for doctors standing right there I must say sometimes it's easier to just write the verbal and make them sign it before they leave. I once worked with a doc...
  14. Out the Door Rant

    Good luck in your new adventure OldMare. Corrections is unlike any field out there but can be very rewarding in it's own
  15. Drug error

    I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. First off remember that we've all had med errors in some form or another and it's a horrifying experience. Sounds like you took the right steps by...