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About moncj66

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  1. Have you ever left the field?

    I don't think u have to leave the field entirely but find something outpatient. I was completely burned out on a med surg floor after 6 months and literally just quit one day. I was at the point of...
  2. COmplaint process

    yes, he is getting continuous feedings neocate 60ml/hr. It written on the paper mar but not in the computer
  3. COmplaint process

    So, I never had a complaint filed against me during my three years of nursing until today. Supposedly, this patient mom said I didn't finish administering the baby feedings and it was held. So she...
  4. Is My Pay Really That Bad???

    yes, that is low. I don't know what the average rate is for your area but in houston the average is 31.75/hr. The cost of living isn't that high either! I would ask for more especially for a med surg...
  5. Scrubs for the slim

    I'm tall too (6ft) but definitely not very slim and I think urbane scrubs fit well. They offer longer inseams as well if u search for the urbane warehouse
  6. Just try to work in a private hospital. Now that I switched from a county hospital to a private one. I have less acute patients and more highly functional ones going through a rough spot in their...
  7. Is floor nursing making you fat?

    Nurses tend to have terrible diets which is the main culprit of weight gain. I see all the high calorie sweets and fast food they eat and choose NOT to eat it. Bring your own food or eat healthy...
  8. Eagle Pass update

    Yes, there is border violence but most of that mess stays in nuevo laredo. I wouldn't recommend crossing the border but its pretty safe on the US side. I used to live in laredo for almost two years...
  9. Baylor June 2013 Internship for not so new nurse

    Oh ok. Well, maybe there will be another hiring fair because he is still conducting phone interviews up until today. I'm trying to find someone who knows about the hiring fair. I'll update if I get...
  10. Baylor June 2013 Internship for not so new nurse

    Are u applying for the GN internship or an internship for RNs with experience? I applied to the GN Internship even though i have some
  11. Baylor June 2013 Internship for not so new nurse

    Oh ok.. well I guess i still need to wait. Yes, it was for med-surg. He asked if i would be interested in diabetic med surg and would forward my file to the manager there. Not sure if there is more...
  12. Baylor June 2013 Internship for not so new nurse

    When did you have your phone interview? I just had mine this week but haven't heard anything
  13. Baylor June 2013 Internship for not so new nurse

    I just had a phone interview on tuesday. He sounded positive so hopefully I get to the next
  14. No Luck

    Well, if you don't want to leave California, you need to expand your search. Try schools, dialysis clinics, home care, government immunization clinics, or ltc. I don't think 20 nursing homes and 5...
  15. No Luck

    Get out of your comfort zone. Have you considered