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All Content by YUPPIE2009

  1. Hello, I am so excited about starting Emory nursing school in the fall. I'm coming to Georgia from Louisiana so I hope that it isn't too much of a culture shock . Is anyone else headed to Emory in the fall? Any advice about anything would be great ...
  2. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    I don't think do???
  3. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    it is a program that Emory hospital provides in return for yu working 2 years. It pays 50% of tuition
  4. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    Merry Christmas....Good Luck... God Bless!!!
  5. Is Emory's Nursing School worth the extremely high tuition??

    Be smart...Get scholarships...schools like Emory have plenty of money for students to take advantage of. I have gone to private schools for many years now and have come out of pocket very little money. It's like anything else in life. You could pay a...
  6. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    I like this place a lot. It gives us a good run for our money :)
  7. If I knew then what I know now!!!

    Oh boy....I wish that I had made better grades in my 1st undergrad degree. Here's my story....(kind of long) I have a B.A. in history and sociology from a fairly well known private school in Louisiana. I graduated with a 3.6 (cum). I took some scienc...
  8. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    OH..... What a long day we had
  9. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    Oh... we got to get more people onto the forum.....
  10. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    OK... I know....i'll see you later then :) Remember: Next week Body Mechan.
  11. Is Emory's Nursing School worth the extremely high tuition??

    How is it different from the floor???
  12. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    Mory have I had a chance to meet you yet???
  13. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    Gee, I really like my group but something tells me that I'm going to be moved. Did she say exactly how much she is going to move people around. I'm not bringing any books with me.
  14. Is Emory's Nursing School worth the extremely high tuition??

    Some people and I were talking and we discussed that L&D nurses are paid less money than other nurses in the hospital.
  15. Is Emory's Nursing School worth the extremely high tuition??

    I am, but I was concerned about some comments on another thread that L&D is not real nursing. I hoped to find a job as a nurse tech after my first year of nursing school. I have worked in other aspects of women's health and I really believe that...
  16. Is Emory's Nursing School worth the extremely high tuition??

    Yellow Finch, Where did you do your Labor and delivery rotation? Did you like it? Thanks
  17. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    Ok everyone.... we had our first day of lab. What do you think???
  18. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    JO we got to get that locker combo tomorrow ...... :)
  19. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    We have got to get some of our classmates on this forum !!!
  20. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    I don't think we can bring drinks in the lab but Icould be wrong.
  21. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    I have all 7 AM Labs which is what I wanted. I also have my clinical days on Thursdays, which means on days that I want drive home I can leave after class. The only thing I would like to know at this point is where (if any) are our powerpoint lecture...
  22. Is Emory's Nursing School worth the extremely high tuition??

    Hey Jendayi, I would love your job as a nurse tech at CLH. I have just started Emory nursing school a few days ago. Could you give me any adive about how to get a nurse tech job at CLH? Who would I want to talk to and make friendly with. Women's hea...
  23. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    OMG... 5:30 AM orientation is at 8AM. My gosh:uhoh21:. Tomorrow I will bring my lunch, small notebook, and a pen or two. Can't figure out what to wear, but this isn't a fashion show I suppose. At this point I'm just nervous about tomorrow.....
  24. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    Is this the 100% quiz???
  25. Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

    Tomorrow is the BIG day!!!!