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About Memerson2000

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  1. Home I need agency?

    I'm a Medicaid provider in NY; have been for many years. We just got a thirty percent increase (up from 30.90/hr) for medically fragile peds cases; it's a good deal. I stopped working for the...
  2. I can't get all excited about the humorous/naughty nurse portrayals in sitcoms and the media in general--lawyers don't flip out over lawyer jokes, or demand apologies from TV shows that portray them...
  3. It's reported that only 1% of the hospitals who apply for Magnet status are denied--could I hear from some nurses who work for Magnet-denied hospitals? I see from this site that UVA was turned down...
  4. Out of nursing program cause i am smoker!!!

    "I really dont want to hear anymore stories of how people are allergic to the smell of smoke." Now, that's spoken like a true addict! Don't get between me and my ciggies. I reek of smoke but your...
  5. Out of nursing program cause i am smoker!!!

    I'm a non-smoker and have a real problem with smoking odors on other people--instant headache. I think you should speak to a lawyer. I can't stand smoking but I'll defend your right to do it; I think...
  6. Good Bye to Nursing for me...

    ok, i feel better--that's my take on it, too. all the compassionate, understanding responses make me feel like a real cynic--are you guys that gullible? haven't we worked alongside this person?...
  7. Good Bye to Nursing for me...

    It sounds like you've had a difficult time, but my eye is mainly caught by the part where you say you were moved to another floor, found a preceptor who was great, they wanted you to work evenings,...
  8. wanting to travel but not quit where I'm at?

    Yes, hospitals pay for orientation. I took a travel job last winter, to Florida, while also maintaining my job in NY--it was crazy, but it worked and was worth it for me. I'm part-time in NY--I owed...
  9. New travel much to expect?

    Hi--I don't have a lot of travel experience, but I worked with CCTC about 9 mths. ago. The last thing they want to do is gyp you out of tax-free income--if they're taxing you on the apartment, it's...