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About CocoaPuff44

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  1. I agree with the other posts, don't give up. It took a whole year for me to get my first job, and it was at an LTC. I just got a job at a detox center, and I'm totally loving it. I got tons of...
  2. LPN new to addiction nursing

    Hi Mermaid, I got the job! I'll be starting in a few weeks, so
  3. overworked and exhausted

    I'm experiencing the same problem... tons of interruptions from the charge nurse, supervisors, phone calls from docs, patients screaming for pain meds, family calling for status updates, CNAs, and I...
  4. LPN new to addiction nursing

    Awww man! So sorry they cancelled. I'm filling out apps to other places too, just in case. I'll definitely keep you
  5. iPod use in LTC facility

    Texting and talking on cells phones is forbidden at my LTC. I too have the Davis Drug Guide and a few other medical apps on my phone, it's helped tremendously in my med pass. No, I wasn't given...
  6. LPN new to addiction nursing

    Hi Mermaidunderwater... how'd your interview go? I too have the same experience, first job out of nursing school-- sub-acute/LTC. Interviewed at a detox facility. Praying that they'll pick me :
  7. methadone clinic..good 1st job?

    Hi NurseNikkiC, I'd take the methadone clinic job, this could definitely help with possibly transitioning into acute care or even ER nursing if this is your goal. I currently work for an LTC, (HATE...
  8. Advice Re: job interview with Davita

    I'm trying to score an interview with Davita, can anyone provide insight on what type of questions I can expect on the assessment test? Just wondering if the questions are med-surgy? Also, what is...
  9. I work in a hell hole!!!

    Your situation is sooo scary! I hope you survive until you're ready to move on. No one should be subjected to this. It's so unsafe. Hang in