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About CaptScrubs13

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  1. RN Salary Survey 2013: Post here!

    1. State you work in: MA 2. Years of experience: 10 months 3. Specialty/unit and work setting: LTACH 4. Hourly Pay: 26.50 5. Differentials (if any) 5% weekends 6. Union?
  2. Honestly I feel for you. That is never a good position to be in .. New, inexperienced and on your own. I would for sure have the number of a supervisor/on call manager/don whoever you need to go to if...
  3. Specialty shoe stores in Massachusetts?

    The clog shoppe in south weymouth (right next to south shore hospital) is great. Plus you get a discount (I forget exactly how much maybe 10%?) off full price shoes with a hospital/healthcare ID
  4. Critiques?

    Thanks very much for the input - the peer tutor position was I suppose similar to work study .. The professor who headed the program recommended me to take part; I could only do it in my second to...
  5. There's so many.. Looks like kindred hospital Boston may be the type of facility I'm looking for (more acute cases... Not sub-acute SNF which is my current facility) ... Esme can you
  6. Critiques?

    I have 6 mos sub-acute under my belt.. just got ACLS certified today, trying to break into acute care. Wondering if my resume is screwing me over .. anyone care to take a look? Contact Info Phone...
  7. Really? The openings I've seen for Franciscan all seem to say experience
  8. I'm actually wondering about the same thing.. I have 6 months on a sub acute floor.. Not even sure that a new grad program would take me but I'm very interested in
  9. Well, part of that depends on your career goals.. where do you want to be down the road 5 years from now? I think the hospital job would open up more opportunities for you; go, get at least a year...
  10. How much do you owe in student loans?

    $20k after my BSN. My bf went to the same school, different major and has over 85k (and this is after paying off about 15 already). It makes me nauseous to think about
  11. New Grads, How much do you work?

    32 hours/week .. Sometimes will pick up an extra to do
  12. My sub acute floor ratio is a max of 20 (we split the 40 bed floor so up to 20 each nurse if we're at max capacity). We are responsible for meds and treatments.. So initially 25-30 seems high but if...
  13. Retirement in the nursing field.

    I Am a new nurse with only 4 mos experience on the job. There are nurses who were working for 15-20 years when I was BORN who are still working now.Their experience is crazy - they've seen so much and...
  14. Which days should I pick?

    Just don't do every other day! M/w/f just is awful because I feel like my days off are just recovering and then going back. I'd maybe do t/w/th like someone else suggested, or split them 2 in a row...