Anxious Patient

Anxious Patient

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All Content by Anxious Patient

  1. PHOTOGRAPHS with cellphones

    . Just curious, if these wound photos were used as evidence in litigation, wouldn't the patient's face have to show too? Otherwise how can a photo of just a wound be proof that it comes from a specific patient. Does consent have to be given with or...
  2. what do nurses hate about doctors?

    thevicarofblue....what a fascinating story. Who would have thought such wonderful medical care in Panama. Yes, we in the U.S. have much to learn from other countries, in many fields. (gentle hint for future posts - more paragraph breaks will make you...
  3. Why isn't there's a Men's Health NP specialty

    So the aptly named hysterectomy was the procedure originally intended to "cure" this hysteria, I guess. :stone
  4. I was slapped by a doctor!

    Also, you can anonymously report this incident on the doctor rating website, It would warn potential patients what a jerk this guy is.
  5. I was slapped by a doctor!

    After reading this story, I tried to put myself in your shoes. My gut reaction would be to slap him back in self defense. Well, brave of me to say that as I'm not a new nurse. But it would be funny to see this doc's expression if the next time you se...
  6. I know this might sound ridiculous, but

    I'm on the patient end, and since participating on this forum I've learned so much. Some of these threads should be required reading for patients before they enter the hospital. You're all my heroes.:flwrhrts:
  7. assisting techniques dvd

    I'm on the patient end, but I have seen the Cine-Med videos, and they are all very interesting. Just so you know, they have a 30 day free trial, which gives you plenty of time to view all the videos. Just click "trial" on the right side of the webs...
  8. There is a discussion in Medscape Nursing about this. Here are some of the nurses' opinions: When offered a gift for services rendered, I have said that I'm adequately com...
  9. Patient hand-offs

    I subscribe to a patient blog - A recent discussion centered on patients who were upset that they had an appointment with their doctor, and ended up instead being examined by a PA or NP, feeling that they didn't get quality care. The person who star...
  10. Dealing with smells...

    My God, if anybody deserves hardship pay, it's' nurses. Lay-people have no idea the "crap" you have to put up with. If anybody I know dares to put down the value of nurses, I'm going to xerox this thread and give it to them. The visual of this is ...
  11. Indian Nurses to Solve Nursing "Shortage"

    The article linked stated that the Indian nurses would be paid equivalent to their U.S. counterparts. Considering that Indian doctors receive about $20,000 a year in India, no wonder Indian nurses want to come here. They would be making 2-4 time...
  12. Limit to the Number of People in the OR??

    As I'm on the patient end, I'd like to know if the patient is informed that a high school student (job shadowing) will be observing the operation. Personally, as my 2 operations have been gyn related, I would be appalled if teenagers or any non-medic...
  13. Patient Modesty

    This was elective surgery - an abdominal hysterectomy due to cancer. The hospital was a 950 bed tertiary facility. I only met the surgeon once (referred by my gyn) a week before surgery. The place was so big and busy, I felt about as small (and i...
  14. Patient Modesty

    At the teaching hospital where I had my surgery, the general consent form was presented to me just before surgery. The form included vague paragraphs about patient photography, medical student participation, etc. Nothing specific. One signature cov...
  15. question from a surgical patient

    What about medical students being allowed to practice pelvic exams on anesthesized patients. Couldn't that be included in the pre op teaching that the poster is questioning? Or is that still being done these days.