
brandy1017 ASN, RN

Critical Care

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About brandy1017

brandy1017 is a ASN, RN and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. Resignation, Early Retirement

    Right, it is very alarming that Musk is trying to cut SS staff, when they are already at a historic 50 year low of employees and having trouble with retention! They need more staff and investment in...
  2. AdventHealth

    Wow! Three call ins a year are allowed! How generous, NOT! My best advice to the OP worrying about losing her job is find a non-bedside job where you aren't as stressed and exposed to as many bugs...
  3. Resignation, Early Retirement

    Sorry he is a PhD. He has his own YouTube site. For some reason the link didn't work, but if you search it on YouTube or Google you should be able to find the video where he explains the process in...
  4. Resignation, Early Retirement

    My understanding is SS is based off a formula of the average best 35 years of your working career. So, if you worked more than 35 years, the lower paid ones drop off. Here is an explanation of...
  5. I need your advice/opinion desperately

    Where I worked, they had female urinals that worked wonderful especially for someone with a hip fracture. If your place doesn't stock them, I would advocate for them to be added. They also helped...
  6. Resignation, Early Retirement

    Think you would have heard already. My God they sent the notice out to the air traffic controllers encouraging them to resign in the midst of that nationwide crisis with air crashes happening all...
  7. I want to retire I'm so tired of the stress

    See my last post under the thread by Davey Do "What do you miss about nursing". Someone just like you was asking for help. Too long to rewrite it here. See your Dr and an ortho specialist...
  8. What Do You Miss About Nursing?

    If you can't afford to retire, I would try clinics, Dr offices where they do things that they need nurses like urology, neurology for IV meds, cardiology or you could try an outpatient dialysis...
  9. Nurse Managers: Scrubs vs. Professional Attire

    Haven't seen you in a while, how have you been? Hope everything is well with you! I'm guessing the choice to wear scrubs is a nudge for you to be more helpful on the floor. Is that part of your...
  10. I need your advice/opinion desperately

    I didn't mean for you to quit on the spot, although I found my best job when I did that myself. It was not nursing, but it led me into it as I was doing secretarial work, word processing for an...
  11. I need your advice/opinion desperately

    Right! The few times I was fired by a patient it was a relief! One time I was perplexed as I didn't know anything was wrong and I thought we had a good interaction. My supervisor understood these...
  12. I need your advice/opinion desperately

    I think bedside nursing has gotten more difficult ever since administration refused to allow foleys. This was because Medicare refused to pay for adverse events like UTI's. Never mind the added...
  13. What Do You Miss About Nursing?

    That's good that the SSDI and Medicare are approved. With SSDI you are getting the maximum social security payment as if you retired at 67 so I would think twice about going back to work and losing...
  14. What Do You Miss About Nursing?

    Hope you are doing OK and feeling better. Were you able to get Social Security Disability? I've heard that it is very hard to get, and most people are denied the first time and can literally take...
  15. Home Health - Is it worth the pay?

    I didn't even think of it that way! I thought of it as all the nurses are paid the same, by visit so your experience wouldn't count. Just looking for a warm nurse body to do the job at the cheapest...