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All Content by Freebird55

  1. hospital RN

    Just want to know for future, what area of the hospital pay's the most for an RN, just an RN, no BSN, or MSN. Please let me know if you can, I'm still a student, just looking at options. No I'm not doing this for the money, but the most I could make...
  2. Husband or School?

    Before I started my first semester; back in pre-req's. I thought I had the greatest husband on earth! Now, I just want to leave him! My classes are M-Th, 9-4. Every night I have to read 3 or 4 chapters for a test the next day. I HAVE TO STUDY! Friday...
  3. Husband or School?

    Ya'll are soooooo great. I love this site!!!! So far things have been good after he read my letter, so maybe that is what he needed. I'm still cooking a "good" supper, he did take the baby out of the bath tonight, after I washed her body and hair. LO...
  4. Husband or School?

    Well, It's the next morning. I woke up and he's gone hunting, but he left me a note on the bathroom mirror writen in lipstick; "Love ya I'm sorry I will try". I guess we'll see how thing go, I do love him very much, so if things go good i may not po...
  5. Husband or School?

    all you guy's are so great! This is why I love this site, it's my dream family. I didn't tell in my original post that at this very moment I have Pneumonia, my doctor wanted me in the hospital, but I laught and said I didn't have time, so he gave me ...
  6. Florence Nightengale - who is she?

    I think it's kind of funny how she was so into cleanliness, and "germ free" and she died of Syphilis.
  7. Winter Hands

    I'm only in school, but I never even thought about my hands being a problem as a nurse. Every winter they chap and bleed, and I live in the south.
  8. Just saying hello

    Hello Shannon, Welcome to the BB. We're glad your here, good luck in school
  9. I am new here!

    Welcome to the BB, good luck in school, most important! Kiss and hug them boys everyday.
  10. How many children (if any) do you have?

    Love my Kids! 1 daughter, age 11, from prev. 1 daughter, age 4, hubby now 1 step-son, age 17 1 step-daughter, age 12
  11. i made it! just want to say thank you to everyone on the bb who has encouraged me and just listened to my thoughts and fears, special thank you to obnurseheather. ( my mentor ) i recieved my letter in the mail today, they had 44 trying to get in, bu...
  12. Official as of today... I'm an LPN student

    tHANKS EVERYBODY I'm excited and scared But soooooo ready
  13. Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie here and wanted to say hello!

    Welcome to the best site on the web!
  14. Hi!

    Hi, Kyle'smom, Welcome, first of all get settled with your possible move. Then go for your dream! I'm 35, married, 2.2 children. (4, 11, 12, 17). Just finished all my preq. for LPN, waiting on exceptance letter, next week. If I get in, I will be in c...
  15. How many of you smoke, and what do you do to freshen your breath before going back to work (after a break) and how do you keep the tobacco smell off. Iv'e seen a lot of nurses and hospital employees smoking outside on breaks, just wondering.
  16. How many of you smoke, and what........?

    Thank ya'll for the replys: Nell; that was real cute the way you said it. OBNURSEHEATHER; you are the ultimate, I love your replys, I'm laughing so hard, but your right I didn't catch it, the way I had typed it in. (sorry) Well, I am a smoker, I hate...
  17. Updatre on my mom

    I'll be praying for you both. God Bless.
  18. Question for you Seniors? Please

    Hello again ya'll, I haven't posted in awhile because Iv'e been really busy studying! But when I did post you guy's were great with your responses. Anyway's i'm just a little curious about something. Have any of you had to care for a patient you jus...
  19. new to the site

    Hello and welcome Decembergrad. Your'e gona love it here.
  20. Question for you Seniors? Please

    Thanks to all ! I'm so glad to know that all of you will be here for me, while I'm in school to answer my questions, give me advice and just be there!I do believe in my heart I will be a good nurse, this is my dream, but just knowing all of you are ...
  21. Question for you Seniors? Please

    Thanks ya'll. I just wanted some insight. I guess if I ever find myself in this situation, I just need to remember that I'm a nurse and i'm treating not only just "this" person but also a condition, and make it a learning experience. God Bless all!
  22. Practice quizzes

    Thank You Sandra for taking the time to help! I wish I couls send you some.
  23. Nursing Program Interviews ?????

    Hello Ya'll, Just want to know if any of you had to go through an interview to get into the LPN program. At my school, there are approx. 200 people trying to get into 30 day class spots, and 18 night class spots. They do a criminal back-ground check,...
  24. Hey Ya'll, I'm sorry I know this is a post for the student boards, but I really respect the post and guidence I've gotten so far on this BB. So here goes. My LPN program starts in September, there are about 200 students trying to get into 30 spots fo...
  25. Nursing School Question??

    Hi Jennyej, Welcome I agree with subec, in my school there are only 3 teachers (2 day, 1 night) so they only take 48 students, out of about 200 trying to get in. Good luck