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All Content by Bammy

  1. Problem with Care Assistant.

    Hi all, just looking for a little advice really. I'm a new grad working night shift in a nursing home in the UK. I have done 2 night shifts so far and to be honest I'm less than impressed with the level of care I have seen. I have a real issue with t...
  2. Problem with Care Assistant.

    Thank you for your advice. You have really just confirmed what I knew I had to do already..I can't let it continue or if I'm fired for speaking out, at least my conscience will be clear and I know I've acted as best I can. Vito Andolini, I'm a little...
  3. When we were younger new flegling nurses :D

    Hi, we still live together! it was great, in the first yr the uni of leeds put 50 of us all in one block together, it was brilliant...very noisy tho!! to this day i live with 6 other nursing students in our own house..rented of course! we have alot o...
  4. reason for leaving?

    Be honest AND positive, there are always ways to put a good spin on things. If you are personable and tell them that you left for concerns for patient care being reduced due to not being able to hear through the stethoscope they may well admire your ...
  5. Share The Weirdest Reasons Patients Push The Call Light

    a nurse pushed a patients call button to get me to come and help her off the commode..on my own! the nurse who was there chatting just walked off when i arrived!! rude! Another was a patient ringing wanting a cup of tea every 10 minutes throughout a ...
  6. Calculations Questions

    hey all, dunno if this will help but i use the equation - what you have want divided by what you have got x what it is in.
  7. Desktop or Laptop?

    Laptops are good if you're going to be moving around alot and need to travel with it, theyre also a great space saver..however if ANYTHING goes wrong it will cost a fortune to fix whereas PC's can be replaced in parts eg keyboards. I stood on my lapt...
  8. All in charge of hiring please look here!!

    Those tips are really helpful , cheers!
  9. Over here the main problem is the lack of funding to fill the jobs, the NHS has put freezes on the jobs so while working for a pittance the current nurses have loads of work! At the same time the consultants are on well over a hundred thousand..its t...
  10. Ever work with one of these?

    Perhaps she could talk to someone about having a little extra training or putting aside the assignments for a while?
  11. When we were younger new flegling nurses :D

    Hi all, I've found the same thing when it comes to being a degree student. We are totally outnumbered and get a much smaller bursary, im on 50 quid a week. It's not so bad as we get a 2000 quid loan a yr as well, but its not enough and doesnt seem fa...