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New ER nurse trying to figure out what I am doing with my life

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  1. PDA's Helpful or not worth the effort???

    I work in the ER and find it's a quick way to look up drug info. Epocrates, the program I use, also contains formulas, lab values, and other features that tend to make life a little
  2. Hey ER, what takes so long???

    i don’t know about your er but i can give you a quick break down of what happened labs take any where from 45 to 90 minutes, then the er physician has to see the pt or at least view the chart 30...
  3. phone calls no outsider would believe

    Caller: I took 2 Tylenol PM and they are making me fall into a deep sleep. Me: Yes that's what they are for to help you sleep Caller: But I didn't want a deep sleep, I just wanted to rest a little (I...
  4. NCLEX taken today in MA

    I took my boards just over 6 months ago and I remeber wanting to cry when the machine shut off best advise right now go have a stiff drink or a cold beer and sit back and wait three days to see if you...
  5. I watched way too much ER growing and thought how great is it to have people around you dying and you saving their lives. Then I thought hey being a Dr takes way too long. I have finally realized that...
  6. Nurse tracking devices

    The ER department at my hospital is trying out a tracking system. They told us it was so pts could not say they have not seen a nurse in so long. Personally I think it's so the hospital knows where we...