
NurseHeart&Soul MSN

ED, Critical care, & Education


All Content by NurseHeart&Soul

  1. Need advice to prep for ED interview

    Congratulations!!!! I SO REMEMBER that thrill of excitement when getting my first ER job. So much to learn...and it is definitely an endless process...but so fascinating, lots of adventure, thinking of your feet, and opportunity for positive impact....
  2. Organ Procurement

    Loxam10, Thank you for reaching out. We are here for you! I'm sorry you are going through a tough time. Is it the actual procurement that is bothering you or the fact that you lost a 6 year old boy for a senseless reason? If it was the procurem...
  3. Advice for ICU Nurse Thinking about a Switch

    Be prepared for a transition from fairly tidy patients (though definitely not always the case with neuro) to organized chaos. Ideal situation would be to make the transition at a facility that has a Transition in Practice program. Essentially the f...
  4. Need advice to prep for ED interview

    How did the interview go? What other advice do you wish someone had given? Share all for the next person who may be looking for info in this thread.
  5. Typical Staffing/Orientation for Experienced RN

    Is there an educator or manager you can discuss your concerns with? If you get a chance to explain where your weaknesses are maybe you can come up with a good solution. Could you be a float nurse for a day of orientation to focus on the skills you'...
  6. How to learn this stuff

    #1 Stop calling yourself worthless. If that were true, you probably wouldn't still be in the ED. I suspect you are giving off that vibe to your co-workers. Believe in yourself!!!! You CAN do this!!! #2 Understand that the culture of the ED is made...
  7. New nurse. What do I need?

    Check out my article "Best Christmas Gifts for the Nursing Student". Most of the items are good for all nurses! Get yourself a journal!! Record some of your best a...
  8. Triage Resources

    Comments from anyone else? Any other resources that you use within the ED that may be helpful in the triage environment?
  9. Triage Resources

    I would like to know if you were to design a quick access resource guide for your facility (for use at triage), what types of resources would you want in it? I'm setting up a poll to find out what would be most valuable, but please suggest other idea...
  10. How do you get into the ICU?

    You can start wherever your heart desires. Some areas just may take longer to get into, more creativity in making connections, and more drive on your end. Start by getting additional certifications to set yourself apart. Take ACLS and TNCC (espec...
  11. trouble finding work

    Volunteer somewhere you want to work. When people get to know you and like you getting a job becomes easier AND you can at least chalk up some experience in the environment even if not directly performing nursing care. Add to your resume with some...
  12. No time right now.....

    Matt8700~ You sound like a very caring nurse. Thank you for posing this awesome question. This is always a challenge! Firstly, let me say...I SO feel your pain! My advice, don't tell them you are really busy because many people frankly do not ca...
  13. Need advice to prep for ED interview

    Scooter 321~ Congratulations on getting an interview! That is AWESOME! Interviews vary greatly but as far as clinical review I would consider the following: CORE MEASURES...pneumonia, MI, stroke...know the important lab and imaging tests and the as...
  14. Triage Resources

    For facilities that use ESI I couldn't agree more. The ESI handbook is an extremely valuable resource. Thank you for pointing this out. It is unfortunate that we still don't have a universal triage system. So many nurses are not even familiar wit...
  15. Triage Resources

    Thank you for your insight. Remembering resources is a challenge for so many!
  16. ED nurses: What can a volunteer do to make your life easier?

    You definitely can help with kid care. Always needed! As for getting to watch the shoulder reduction...super exciting! I'd imagine that's what you're there to get exposed to. Keep doing what you're doing, scrub those gurneys, make yourself busy......
  17. Impact on ED nurses; Burn Out/Fatigue and the Frequent Abuser (Flyer)

    I learned years ago that if I harbored frustration, annoyance etc... that it made for a miserable shift. When I changed my mindset to one of compassion and empathy....for their situation, regardless of the circumstances, it made caring for this popu...
  18. A recent conversation with a school nurse who clearly felt unprepared to deal with many types of emergent conditions within the school system got me wondering a few things. Do you have any quick reference resources that you use to determine if a chil...
  19. impaction treatment

    In my experience the treatment varies by the doctor. Some don't want to treat aggressively in the ED, hand them an enema, and send them home. More times than not where I've worked we start with an enema/soap suds enema (rarely works). Then we typic...
  20. Resources and Training - What do you use and what do you need?

    Super glad that you would be good with calling the ER. We will always help if we can! Great thoughts on the type of educational content that would be beneficial. I found the conversation I had with the school nurse enlightening....and I can see ho...

    I second the Solomon trail shoes and orthodics. VERY comfortable! I would also consider changing out shoes half way through the shift. Your feet get a chance to start over! Consider bringing a tennis ball or foot roller to stretch out your foot ...
  22. Triage Resources

    If you were to design a quick access resource guide for your facility (for use at triage), what types of resources would you want in it? For example... Resource phone numbers Acuity level definitions Pediatric mnemonics Trauma criteria Any and all id...
  23. Triage Resources

    Computer went wild. Please ignore this post.
  24. Triage Resources

    My computer went wild. Please ignore this post.
  25. Triage Resources

    I would like to know if you were to design a quick access resource guide for your facility (for use at triage), what types of resources would you want in it? I'm setting up a poll to find out what would be most valuable, but please suggest other idea...