FranEMTnurse CNA, LPN, EMT-I

LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor.

I have always loved to help people feel better, and is why I became an EMT and an LPN in 1997

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All Content by FranEMTnurse

  1. FranEMTnurse

    You Know You're A Nurse If...

    You talk to non medical people using nursing terms, and they give you a puzzled look.
  2. FranEMTnurse

    What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    ? ?
  3. FranEMTnurse

    Confronting Doctors with Wrong Orders

    Robin, IMHO, you wrote a seriously needed article. You hit the bulls eye in my case. Here's a little personal history I had with a doc who was assigned to me when I became his new patient. He doubted what I was telling him, and after having me for so...
  4. Dear hurting nurse, I believe you are protected. As a former CPR instructor, I would advise you to recertify, but before you do, discuss your situation with the CPR instructor. IMHO, since you assisted with the CPR of the patient, You were legitimate...
  5. FranEMTnurse

    Day 2: 2016 Nurses Week Fill In The Blank Contest

    The male housekeeping employee on top of the female patient. (this really happened where I worked once.)
  6. i was 54, and it was a second career choice, although I was a nurses aide for a couple years when afterI graduated high school. i loved the job, but wasn't able to go into nursing then. higher education loans were not as available as they are now ba...
  7. Patient satisfaction? What about giving us some satisfaction once in a while? I would love to have less complaining patients and more help. Hmmm, this sandwich tastes funny.
  8. This tastes funny. Hmmm, I wonder if the cafeteria staff put some kind of spoiled food or if someone slipped a an upper in this to get me to move faster when I'm working.
  9. FranEMTnurse

    ER rushing patients to the floor

    Due to miscommunication between units, and the mega rush, when I was critically ill, the CNAs did NOT look at my chart, nor were they told that I had vomited up 1&1/2 liters of systemic blood in the ER due to a tachycardia incident. I was stabili...
  10. You mean lunch is over already? I wish the hours would go by this fast when we're working.
  11. Are these flowers proof of some more genetic testing?
  12. FranEMTnurse

    What Do You Love About Nursing?

    You and the individual have been burned badly. I am sorry for you. It looks like you could use some counseling, or at least a very good listening and very sympathetic ear.
  13. Bernice, BERNICE! is this real or am i having a nightmare? We're actually on break in a flower garden, but the flowers have all the expressions our patients have had on their faces.
  14. is it my imagination, or do you see some of those white flowers really look like they'e grouchy?
  15. Did you have that combative patient too? He just about wore me out, and our shift is only half over.
  16. FranEMTnurse

    What Do You Love About Nursing?

    My dear. as was posted earlier, although there is a lot of stressful moments in nursing, there are also numerous wonderful moments that make you feel so good, they make your stress go away at least for a short while. One of mine was witnessing a set ...
  17. FranEMTnurse


    Run as fast as you can as you can! That methane will knock you out!
  18. FranEMTnurse


    Funnels can be fun worn upside down during Halloween, but They are such a nuisance on the Allnurses website.
  19. FranEMTnurse


    I do love sausage and liver and chicken with a tiny bit of milk. Honestly, I can't stand anything fishy. What a nuisance it is when people assume we cats love fish. YUCK!
  20. FranEMTnurse


    Ya Made it! Although You do look a slight bit thinner now though. Just sayin'
  21. FranEMTnurse


  22. FranEMTnurse


    Where? When? I just remember hearing people who were drunk saw pink elephants. It's sunc a nuisance when you can't remember.
  23. FranEMTnurse

    The Greatest Gift

    This happened at our local medical center. A relatively young woman arrived in activeV-fib. All attempts to get her heart back in NSR failed. Permission was granted to donate her needed organs to others. A surgeon arrived from France to harvest her a...
  24. FranEMTnurse

    Thankful To Be A Nurse On Thanksgiving

    1. Our Savior Jesus the Christ Who gave His life on the cross at Golgotha and cast our sins into hell when He died, then when He was resurrected, and when we surrendered our lives over to Him, He gave us the awesomely perfect gift of eternal life in...
  25. FranEMTnurse

    November 2016 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    i keep getting stabbing pains all over my body, and constantly feel bloated too. I feel miserable!feel bloated