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About purple1953reading

purple1953reading specializes in ER OB NICU.

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  1. Am I stupid? Med question...

    Consider where the pill is put, MOUTH, enough said. Alhtough, there will be the patient who finds it offensive, or family member, if done none chalantly , no one will probably even notice. I have seen...
  2. Med-error & down n the dumps

    Sounds like the familly saw BIG DOLLAR SIGNS. The hospital writing off a bill was , in reality, probably, ONLY the part that the family would have been responsible for, and if that patient had...
  3. your first....

    No scrubs here, just WHITE ONLY
  4. I need CN advice!!!

    Perhaps,it IS the years of experience speaking, when others don't seem interested. Along with years of nursing experience, and skills, many look at other types of qualifications, including the...
  5. Rn or LPN Help

    At most associate or jr. colleges, the program is two years, in our state, and after the first year, you can take LPN boards, and then the second year, qualifies for the RN boards. GOOD
  6. Multiples for Media Attention and Community Help?

    I think many of these families exploit their kids, and would NOT turn down any help as they WANT the attention, and the free stuff. The Iowa Septuplets, were born to nice parents, BUT they did get a...
  7. Bite Me!

    Sorry for your accident.( OR WAS IT) Anyway, we had a little old lady that wore this pink striped hood like night cap, and called to everybody,
  8. Question

    Part of every initial interview we do includes the question"Do you feel safe in your own home/" "Does anyone there cause you harm and in what way?".. Most patients are shocked at the question, but...
  9. they cancelled my health insurance (I just had surgery)

    What did you find out, is this straightened out
  10. Coaching women during childbirth has little impact

    I have coached lots of OBs through labor, and find the ones who need it most often do not have a partner to help them through. One was only 13 years old, and she was enough of a child to just listen...
  11. A turkey, hunk of cheese, sweatshirt with deer drawn sleigh and hospital logo, (most went to goodwill) and$100 cash. This was all in one year.IT seems the smaller the hospital, the better, the gifts....
  12. A 24 hour O2 Sat monitor???

    The one I wore at home, was about the size of a holter, and it recorded 24 hour periods. It had a band and you could wear it around your neck, or waist. Did not really bother, except at night, when it...
  13. they cancelled my health insurance (I just had surgery)

    I WOULD NOT GET THE LAWYER FIRST. I would FIRST find out if I really have health insurance or IF I have what is now called a third party payor. Unfortunately for us, almost all big companies have now...
  14. they cancelled my health insurance (I just had surgery)

    Number One. I think that you should contact other employees to see IF ANY of them received any type notice about insurance being cancelled, or changed, or whatever and new paperwork required. As , if...
  15. Are we adequately treating pain?

    Not only are people undermedicated, they are not properly medicated. Years ago, almost every patient had orders written for fever, pain, and pain not controlled by the first choice of drugs , i.e.,...