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About Jennyfur1234

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  1. montefiore starting salary and more

    I actually think you were the one that posted that number
  2. montefiore starting salary and more

    Someone in another thread posted $38.50/hour, but didn't state whether this was base or included night diff. I was trying to figure out the same
  3. montefiore, 1199, benefits, base salary, etc

    I'm going to be interviewing at Montefiore soon. Just curious if the $38.50 included night
  4. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    They email
  5. CUNY Hunter Accelerated Pathway Fall 2012

    Hey Agrib, I had applied to both Hunter and Stony Brook as well. I actually just wrote to you on the Stony Brook thread telling you about the facebook group. I took the NLN a couple of weeks ago. I...
  6. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    We have a Facebook group called stony brook accelerated nursing class of 2013. You should
  7. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    Can we please pretend I never posted that stuff? I really wish I hadn't. I never intended to make anyone feel like they won't be able to get
  8. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    Which option allows you to chose so i try to get that one? Its probably bad but im dead set on what i want to do. Do you do your capstone at a stony brook affiliated hospital or any
  9. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    Paco,Do you have no choice in where you do your capstone? I really want to do Peds onc. Is that a possibility or at least
  10. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    About how much is an apartment if you share with one or 2 others? I'm trying to figure out how much more I need to save before the program
  11. Stony Brook Accelerated 2012 hopefuls

    Congrats Tiffany. I started a group on Facebook for our future class. It's called Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2013. You should
  12. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    And I keep thinking about all of you guys that are still waiting. Waiting around to hear about your future is tough, but I'm pulling for you guys. Sending all positive thoughts your
  13. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    If anyone who will be in the program next year is interested, I made a facebook page (I'm a high school teacher and it's Regents week, so I have a lot of extra time this week). The name of the group...
  14. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    Are studios mainly basements in a house around
  15. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    It's not possible to find a studio (if they even have those on Long Island) for less than $1300? I lived in Manhattan in a one bedroom for $1250. It wasn't huge, but Manhattan has to be...