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All Content by fab4fan

  1. Should I become a nurse or a teacher?

    We have a "shortage" because: 1. Nurses are leaving d/t deteriorating working condtions. 2. There are not enough nursing educators; nursing educators are paid poorly. Build all the schools you want,...
  2. Should I become a nurse or a teacher?

    And I can counter every one of those stories with stories about nurses being assualted by patients, doctors, etc. Patients these days have a serious problem with "entitlement," and admin. just goes...
  3. Should I become a nurse or a teacher?

    I really loved my English and Spanish classes (I became pretty fluent in Spanish just from what I learned in high school). I loved writing and studying literature, so I had a lot of encouragement from...
  4. Should I become a nurse or a teacher?

    If I had the means, I'd go back to school to be a teacher. It was a toss-up when I was in high school; ultimately, I chose nursing. And believe me, tencat, nurses get blamed for boatloads of stuff...
  5. No More Bedside Nursing, I Quit!

    It kind of bothers me when people rec. home health as some sort of "easier" option. Home health is very stressful, in a different way. You're out driving around, sometimes in terrible weather. Pts....
  6. Overbearing pt family

    If you're aware that this is going on at the ECF, you still have a duty to report it. You can always make an anonymous report to the Office of Aging. And you can still tell them what happened at your...
  7. Unsuccessful IV stick.

    Some of it is just getting familiar with the venous structures, good old A&P. I also palpate the vein as far as I can feel it. Sometimes I will stick just a little below where I first feel the...
  8. Overbearing pt family

    Notice how she hasn't been back to update,
  9. Unsuccessful IV stick.

    One other thing I forgot...ask the pt. if he's had IVs before, and if so, if one arm was better for "sticking" than the other. And if the pt says, "My left arm is better than the right," BELIEVE him!...
  10. I guess he needs more nurses because he's run out of butts to
  11. Unsuccessful IV stick.

    I'm one of those annoying people who just has a knack for starting IVs; I'm not sure what it is or why it happens, it just does. One thing I have noticed is that new nurses or nurses who have trouble...
  12. My bp is 160/120, go to the ER?

    How are you an SRNA if you're only 20y? In any event, this site is not for giving out medical advice. And if you have an MI or a stroke, that's gonna cost you a whole lot more than a trip to the
  13. NO! NO! NO! Never, under any circumstances leave meds at a patient's bedside. It doesn't matter what the med is. Any nurse who does this is setting herself/himself up for major league
  14. S/P I&D - What's this mean?

    My understanding was it usually meant "status post incision and drainage," usually done with a wound that may have closed but has underlying
  15. Talk about perpetuating the myth of the nurse as a sainted, angelic
  16. pain management for bone ca

    Bone cancer ususally responds best to a multi-drug approach; opioids alone are not usually enough to control the pain. I've found that using a combo of an NSAID (usually Trilisate, since it's less...
  17. My Teacher Says Nurses Eat Their Young

    Shame on your instructor for perpetuating a misconception that has caused a great deal of division and mistrust in nursing. Very unprofessional of her,
  18. Overbearing pt family

    It probably wouldn't hurt, but my understanding was the ombudsman is more for concerns re: services/facilities, etc. I can't believe admin. is just allowing this to happen. And while documentation is...
  19. Overbearing pt family

    Not funny. Not funny at
  20. Overbearing pt family

    Why is this being allowed to happen??? Someone needs to stand up for this pt! Good grief, either that woman is a wingnut, or she's a sexual abuser! Why isn't anyone advocating for this defenseless...
  21. Define: Nurses Eating Their Young

    Horizontal violence is inappropriate, no matter the age of the perpetrator. I'm just tired of the whole expression, and as I said, there are penty of new nurses out there who are just as bad. I've...
  22. Define: Nurses Eating Their Young

    Comments like this: are just as inappropriate. Horizontal violence is not caused solely by older nurses toward new nurses. There are plenty of nasty newbies out there,
  23. Charting for physician

    1. You're a nurse, not the physician's personal secretary. You do not take dictation. 2. Check with your BON; this may jeopardize your license. (Just when you think the "handmaiden" image has
  24. Hating RN life...Is life as an NP really better?

    There probably are programs out there. But as much as you dislike working right now, you are getting solid experience in assesment and working with a variety of diseases which will only make you a...
  25. Smoking among Nurses is hypocritical.

    This topic has been beaten to death so many times. Since the OP hasn't returned, it looks more like someone trying to stir things up. I vote for the thread to be closed. The points have been