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About NICU_babyRN

NICU_babyRN is a BSN, RN and specializes in NICU.

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  1. Is it made of acid? Fire? Cactus stickers?

    They always fight it...and then one morning they don't. And that, is just not a good
  2. TPN

    We sure do. although, let's face it. we protect only the bag. Not the tubing. So does it really make a
  3. Calling all current cns students

    I am one CNS student within a group of 15 NP students. They all look at me with a snarl on their face! Annoying!!!! I am almost done, working on my capstone and I can't wait to be done done done....
  4. IV starts - anyone get better?

    I have found that most people blow veins when their tourniquets are on WAY too tight. Loosen it up. For the "fresh" babies, I don't use a tourniquet often at all! And, don't rely on a...
  5. Suctioning of ETT on < 27 weekers?

    There is a difference in suctioning HFOV and HFJV!!! You must put the Jet on standby but not the Oscillator. We never instill saline in the lung. We use it only to clear the ballard catheter,...
  6. Discouraged Nurse Graduate

    From a NICU nurse in Chicago: I work in a facility where we had over 150 applicants for ONE position. The hospital now hires BSN prepared only. It's a TOUGH market to crack into. If hire new and...
  7. You'll have to remember that you will not even be considered for a CRNA program before a couple of years of SOLID ICU nursing
  8. Male Nursing Student Interested in NICU Nursing

    DO IT!!!!! We LOVE our 4 male RNs on our floor and the RTs too! Come join a team of extraordinary
  9. Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialist

    Rush University Medical Center-website is terrible but the program is available. Contact them for extra information. University of Illinois Chicago has a Perinatal CNS however the curriculum is NOT...
  10. NRP certification online?

    here it is from an NRP Instructor. The only option to become officially certified is to attend a certification course that is held by an AAP certified instructor, using the AAP course materials and...
  11. How to get into the NICU?

    I also agree! You may have to broaden your search A LOT, write a very strong cover letter, talk about how the hospital matches what you look for as an employer, taking into account the mission and...
  12. Check out Rush University in Chicago, although you'll have to find some days to come to the US for most programs. And the university would have to find you a way for clinical
  13. If you don't have tough skin, you may have a hard time in the NICU. Some NICUs, specially those that are Level III with surgical cases and ECMO are sometimes very sad. So you may be better off in a...
  14. Orientation...blechhh

    I also 100% disagree with you. And if I were your manager, you would NEVER be asked to precept staff. Quizing, when done the right way, is an excellent addition to the learning
  15. Kangaroo Care

    Little Oscillator? What exactly do you