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All Content by ChristyMNOP

  1. It seems some Nurses don't do much...?

    I think you experience has more to do with your actual health state vs. what the nurse was doing. I.E. the sicker you are, the more procedures you will see. If you were just in for routine pregnancy issues and delivery, you wouldn't see anything im...
  2. supportive treatment....poor- LONG!!

    I'd still like to know about the sliding scale heparin, if anyone could respond. Thanks!
  3. Trapped in this office job and waiting for nursing school...

    Yeah, I second reading books. That's one thing that I got out of and I'm still not back into yet! Books for pleasure. You won't get the chance again for a while. Again, I still love nursing, just trying to help you spend this precious downtime vi...
  4. Trapped in this office job and waiting for nursing school...

    Enjoy it... I sometimes kind of miss office work now. been a nurse for 8 months. I miss set schedules every week, lunch breaks most days, sitting down most of the day, nobody dies if you make a mistake, getting busy at work consists of arranging you...
  5. The sugar that just kept dropping...

    Hrmm interesting then. Be sure to let us know how they are doing tonight if they are still your pt. I'd be interested as to what would cause this (and wth with not sending them to the unit?).
  6. supportive treatment....poor- LONG!!

    Oh, and if you could just answer one more question for me. What is the "heparin sliding scale shot"? I have not seen this before. We have Heparin A or B protocol orders (cardiac or neuro) but these are I.V. infusions at a set rate based on the mos...
  7. supportive treatment....poor- LONG!!

    Well thank you for a more thorough reply. As I stated previously, I really learn a lot from these types of threads. I think I have a more accurate picture of what went on. Thank you for clearing up the I&O problem and the pre-op checklist ques...
  8. If you won the lottery, would you continue to work?

    Weird that I saw this today as I had a dream I won the lottery last night....hrmm, think its time to go get some tickets. But no, I would not continue to work if I won a mega jackpot of over 2 mil after taxes. It used to be 1.8 but with inflation an...
  9. supportive treatment....poor- LONG!!

    OP it might also be helpful to know what type of floor you were on. You never stated that it was an actual cardiac surgery so I'm thinking you were possibly on a regular floor, in which case policies for assessments may have been different. PP, on...
  10. Poll: Hand Washing

    I use the hand sanitizer like its going out of style. Actual washing my hands with soap and water, probably 6-10 times a shift, more if I have an iso patient obviously. Always before and after eating, after using the restroom and after cleaning up ...
  11. supportive treatment....poor- LONG!!

    I think more information is needed. I agree that the output not being emptied is troubling, but is it possible that it was noted and just not recorded? As in, you the patient are having output so kidneys are functioning fine, no need to do outputs....
  12. Will you work during a Pandemic?

    Based on the scenario of no PPE, no I would not work. But I'm assuming that we would still need money, right? Money would still be necessary to survive in our society so I would probably have to work for food and shelter but only if there was PPE a...
  13. to sleep or not to sleep???

    I work nights in a stepdown unit and we have to check on them at least every 4 hours. I usually do what pp does and tell them, I will be in here around this time to check on you, plus anytime I need to give you a med or you need anything. And then ...
  14. are care plans a joke for you?

    In school it helped me prioritize care and think about what I really wanted to improve for the patient. Sometimes as a working nurse I can do some of those things but I no longer need a careplan to think about them. But in reality, no one I know lo...
  15. What does your head nurse need to know?

    Teamwork applies to everyone not just management. That includes me. And part of teamwork is realizing that while its ok to ask, it is absolutely not ok to bully me into working overtime just because I'm new and need experience or the unit needs it....
  16. When it's the visitor who needs the ER....

    I didn't read all the responses but I think you did the right thing. This may be a chance for you to change hospital policy though. In our hospital corporation we have an "Emergency Response Team." Basically its an ER nurse who is called to the sc...
  17. Floor nursing while pregnant

    I know this is a very old thread but I was just wondering this myself this am after a weekend from hell and I wasn't even at work. So tired I can't see straight. I think I might be a danger to my patients. I'm only 32 weeks along though and had pl...
  18. And gotten tested? I'm just curious. Some people seem more complacent than others and I just wonder what more seasoned nurses do. For the record I've had two since becoming a nurse in August, one with urine (drawing up from a foley for a sample) a...
  19. How do I overcome toxic hospital environments?

    Just from your post it seems like you are working on my unit and not in a good way. We have a new (to our unit) nurse with years of experience. For some reason that I don't understand yet this nurse has no time management skills. For example, we g...
  20. New Grad RN going to ICU Stepdown

    I'm right there with you so no advice but good luck to both of us!
  21. My CROCS made me fall tonight..

    I have had a croc stop and tripping before, and it is because I drag my feet. I had to do a treadmill stress test at my cardiologist and he had me do it barefoot because all I brought were my crocs and he was afraid I'd trip. But I digress, I ABSOL...
  22. My nightmarish experience

    OP, every single nurse I have ever talked to has said errors happen. Don't beat yourself up. I think its a good idea to talk to the counselor because it will help you work through it, but I also think you just need to WORK through it and go back to...
  23. Guess the mispronounced medical term

    "She has hyperbolia" Oh really, you mean the neon patient? Could it be hyperbilirubinemia? This was from a nurse too:uhoh3:
  24. Its a question in a case study with this doctor's order and I can't find the answer anywhere. Thanks!
  25. What does "maintain foley to dd" mean?

    Thank you! I think that is it. Makes sense because it is about a UTI.