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About allthingsbright

allthingsbright specializes in LDRP.

Graduate 12/17/07 with AAS and have my 1st job in L&D all lined up!

Latest Activity

  1. Dream job interview... What should *I* ask??

    ASK ABOUT ORIENTATION! Seriously, as a new grad in L&D, you need AT LEAST 3-6 mos orientation to get off to a good start. I started L&D right out of school, have 6 yrs in, and love it but it...
  2. The most ridiculous birth plans you've had the pleasure of reading

    plus, i always say in my childbirth classes that birth plans are like Christmas wish lists--you may or may not get everything you want on the list. that seems to lace the idea with some reality! ok,...
  3. The most ridiculous birth plans you've had the pleasure of reading

    pt requesting "clitoral stimulation" from nurse during induction on birth plan=not gonna happen that said, most birth plans i am coming across lately have been okay--usually printed off the internet...
  4. OB T-shirt slogans?

    "Meconium Happens" or "Mec Happens"
  5. Do you love nursing or hate it???

    It's love here--and it's pretty unconditional on my part. It has to be! Nursing is
  6. I was just laid off

  7. Greenwich Hospital Salary

    Here is the only info I found: from fheard Registered User Age: 33 Join Date: Sep 2008 Posts: 1 Mar 26, 2009, 01:54 PM Re: Average RN Salary New Grad '09 The current starting...
  8. Am I too shallow to be a nurse?

    Well, I think that the act of "thinking about being too shallow" may just preclude you from being too shallow... That said, I don't think your reasons for wanting to go into nursing are going to keep...
  9. I hate my life.....

    I understand your frustration yet becoming a nurse won't solve all of life's problems, IMHO. I had many classmates that thjought getting a degree would make them happy only to find that nursing is...
  10. plz answer my qestion about GED

    I also have a GED and am now working on an RN-Masters program. It took me a long time to grow up and realize the value of education. I have had to work very hard, remediate through math and I was well...
  11. 6 weeks L&D orientation here in a teaching hospital w/ high risk patients--I did it and am doing it. Yup, it is hard, exciting and crazy. Plus it has been the most stressful thing ever. (I...
  12. Do you raid the patient fridge?

    yeah, when i dont get to take my break or sit down for 13 hrs i have been known to grab a diet coke or some graham crackers and pnut butter on the
  13. Lees Summit Medical Center?

    Hi-I know some nurses who work their L&D unit--it is slow but they seem to like it! Good
  14. Any nurses you dread giving report to?

    Don't ya wish these nurses would read this thread and mend their ways? Like that will ever
  15. Night shifters- what do you do if you have one night off?

    I stay up all night--do laundry, read, wach movies, work on my online class, sometimes make a late trip to 24-hr Walmart for groceries, etc.