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About PralineLPN

PralineLPN has 3 years experience and specializes in TCU, LTC.

Love the medical field

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  1. How to deal??

    What's so wrong with being 20 and a BSN?? Are you jealous or something? I finished a BS in chemistry 2 years out of high school. I could be done with med school and halfway through residency by 25 if...
  2. New Nurse Fired for wanting more training

    What is reporting them to the State Board of Nursing going to do, exactly? Are they breaking any
  3. What?? Sounds like you're making life a little too
  4. I don't know if you are kiddding about these mistakes or not. If you are being serious, this thread makes me nervous. I handle narcotics with utmost care. I stop and clear my mind, breath for a second...
  5. Medical Equipment

    These devices are very simple to operate-don't be worried about them. The o2 tanks have a knob that controls flow (rated in Liters/min), usually set around 2-3, no more than 4. Be careful with the...
  6. This could be a problem...

    If your facility has in-house laundering for the residents, you could check their "orphan" clothes box for some that fit. Tight fitting clothes, espically shoes, are an issue for some patients, skin...
  7. Blood Pressure Kits for Obese??

    This is what we do, too-Works fine, sometimes the sounds are a little diminished, but just turn off the TV and listen really hard.
  8. phasing out?

    This is entirely false. There is only a re-distribution of the labor and skill sets. I don't know where this rumor started, or why, for that matter. The facts are-LPN/LVN usually work in...
  9. Has this happened to anyone before??

    I had this same exact thing happen to me in Dec 2006. I woke up feeling like the room was spinning, threw up several hours later, it lessened over 10 hours, then resolved. Scared the double-hades out...
  10. being a new grad... ;(

    Make sure you eat. I don't care how busy you are, bring a sandwich or something to keep your sugars at a decent level. Yesterday, I had 8 thousand things to do, and I went to lunch anyways. Still got...

    All I can say, is that being a CNA/GNA (geriatric NA) was horrible and a hard, no-thanks, low paying, crappy (literally) job. But it payed off in dividends while in school. Also, as a LPN, I am easily...
  12. B careful LPN-RN Online

    I would like to do LPN-BSN online, but I am very leery. I would like concrete evidence I can work in Maryland as a BSN with a degree from Indiana State U. I don't know, I think I'll just stick with...
  13. Do you really want work with foreign nurses?

    I've worked with European (Poland, Germany, Czech, etc) as well as African nurses before, and I have absolutely no problem with it. I find other cultures fascination, and I'm always willing to teach...
  14. Would you do anything about it?

    Report it. The anti-biotic issue alone needs to be taken care of. This is why we have lovely strains of MRSA, VRE and who knows what else brewing. As I'm sure you all
  15. Do you trust automatic "vitals" machines??

    I don't like the fact I don't get the "hand-on" aspect of autos. I like to feel my pulses and hear my sounds, I also get a chance to check skin moisture and temp. Autos are kind of dehumanizing, I...