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All Content by NiteNurz79

  1. OK, my boss wants several of us to get our ANCC certification. We work on a small inpatient psych unit in a medium-size rural hospital. I already do more CEU's a year in psych than ANCC requires, so it's not about keeping up in my field. A co-worker ...
  2. Leave psych nursing? And give up 12 hour night shifts, exposure to violent patients and infectious diseases, indifference from doctors and lack of support from hospital management? I'd have to be crazy
  3. Horrible 14 1/2 hr shift.

    Next time she comes in ask her doctor about a psych referral...and look up "Borderline Personality Disorder" to see if it describes you patient. Good luck.
  4. Do all new nurses get night shift?

    I went back to nights after YEARS on dayshift. I think the great thing about nights (that you only find out once you are there) is the attitude. When you are down to just core staff - few doctors, no managers, minimal staff - everyone seems to pitch ...
  5. Munchausen's by Proxy?

    You sound like you have reason to suspect an imminent threat of harm to the child - "The mother has other "issues", but has already been documented with bizarre harmful behavior regarding this child abd another one a year older." Has anybody hotlin...
  6. I work on a psych/substance abuse unit - I don't know the answer to the problem of people with genuine chronic pain developing addictions, but I do know for certain that an increasing number of people who intentionally abuse drugs are learning to tak...
  7. InPatient Assault ~ HIPPAA ???

    Our Risk Mgmt folks told us that there is an exemption under HIPPAA that allows us to release information to law enforcement on an individual involved in the commission of a crime (assault and battery, property damage etc.) while here as a patient. C...
  8. "hospitals won't hire psych nurses"

    I've been an RN >25yrs. Spent the first 15 in Med/Surg settings and the last 10+ on an acute care Psych unit. I always recommend that new grads get some med surg experience before settling in on Psych regardless of their level of interest in psych...