caroladybelle BSN, RN


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All Content by caroladybelle

  1. caroladybelle

    RN ~ BSN @ 55 ?

    I am 50 and about 1 year from finishing my RN to BSN. And I am not the oldest in the cohort.
  2. caroladybelle

    Taking Patients down to the Morgue

    I've always to help take the deceased down to the morgue. The exceptions are for cases that the funeral home will be coming up to the floor to get the deceased quickly. There are several religions and cultures that do not permit the body leave the f...
  3. caroladybelle

    Nurse who survived Ebola is suing the hospital

    One problem: Ebola Reston does not affect humans to any great extent. They was one cause of a contaminated worker that fell ill, but the symptomology was not consistent with Ebola and the worker recovered fully. So while Ebola Reston is airbourne a...
  4. caroladybelle


    To my knowledge, in most states, you do have to list a DUI for nursing applications, if asked. In many states, it might have required her go before the BON, before getting a license. It really does not matter that it was 10 years ago. I know someon...
  5. These are things best addressed by your MD. We cannot give strictly medical advice but this question is one that has a great deal on the Internet. I will address you as someone that has had both procedures, every few years for the last 32 years. And...
  6. caroladybelle

    Trying to be RN in California

    Do you have a visa status that permits you to legally work in the USA?
  7. caroladybelle

    Coworker tried converting me on my break

    Pardon me but what the heck does not wanting to badgered at work by proselytizing Christians equate with wanting them all dead by ISIS. Martyr complex much? Hyperbolic statements like that are what make me more positive that I want little to do with ...
  8. caroladybelle

    People really need to stop coming into nursing

    Actually as native Floridian, there are plenty of areas that are indeed Southern. Leave behind Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, Central Orlando, etc. the smaller towns are quite Southern in nature. However I currently live and work just below the Mason Dixon....
  9. caroladybelle


    And quite frankly my dear, with your attitude, as a nurse, I would greatly prefer not to care for your family nor put up with your and your attitudes and behavior (Replying to the phrase, not to SubSippi)
  10. caroladybelle


    The infamous "Do I really need to buy a stethoscope". It's not like I will need it on the the job".
  11. caroladybelle

    Anti-vax nurses? Are you serious?

    As there is a Godwin's law, when someone brings Hitler into a discussion, is there a similar law, such as Stalin's law when someone mentions communism?
  12. caroladybelle

    Perfume at work?

    I disagree. I work with Oncology patients, and there are frequent complaints about staff members wearing perfume. And if you have never had the experience of a fellow staffer that heats fish in the communal microwave and several staffers have to l...
  13. caroladybelle

    Perfume at work?

    How mature. The fact is that it nauseates pts and staff, reeks up the room and totally and completely unnecessary. It is similar to people that bring smelly food to work to heat up in the communal microwave and reek everyone out of the break room. It...
  14. Good luck with that in my hospital. IV Tylenol here stateside is extremely expensive, and takes practically an act of Congress to order. If the pt can take po, it will not get supplied.
  15. caroladybelle

    male nurse problems..

    There are generally several staff called to assist with heavy pts. If you expect help with yours, please expect to help with others. Poop is part of nursing. You will have to learn to deal with it if you want a decent job.
  16. caroladybelle

    Should I let my manager beat me at Trivia Crack

    I am a total fail at sports. Someone takes my sports dude and it's going down, Sista!
  17. caroladybelle

    If people make me feel bad, I've been bullied

    And even more do not know how to accept constructive criticism, without labeling it "bullying".
  18. caroladybelle

    Anyone diagnosed with cancer working as a floor nurse??

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August of 2014, and had a bilateral mastectomy done in September. I will be having reconstruction done next week. While I have to take tamoxifen, I did not require IV chemo or radiation. I have been back at wo...
  19. caroladybelle

    Healthcare deductables

    This is not about slavery. And there is a big difference between slavery and paying a higher deductible for insurance. I regret that you feel that they are similar, but I suggest that you speak to someone that has actually been a slave, and you may ...
  20. caroladybelle

    Healthcare deductables

    What place does it have in the State of the Union speech? It is a private company doing what is legally permitted to do, and you may choose to buy the product or not.
  21. caroladybelle

    Perfume at work?

    Professionals in health care should know not to wear perfume. There is nothing professional or polished about being stuck in a meeting, with someone smelling up the place with a scent that one does not like. And no matter how much the wearer loves ...
  22. caroladybelle

    skeptical of another nurse

    As far as agency being problematic, much depends on the agency. When I worked agency, mine probably screened stricter than many the facilities that I worked at. Interesting, when one travel group that I worked for, began alcohol screening, we lost s...
  23. caroladybelle

    skeptical of another nurse

    On the topic of sleep deprived, I almost wonder more if she had taken a stimulant or something, because the behavior is more hyper or a bit manic, than sleepy. Either way, it is not an appropriate situation. The other thought is that she is workin...
  24. caroladybelle

    Care plan.

    You cannot create a care plan with symptoms or a diagnosis.
  25. caroladybelle

    Running low on soap

    The CDC would probably interested.