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All Content by greensister

  1. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Not a Leg to Stand On "You haven't a leg to stand on, " I was told by my manager late in September 2005 when a patient's relative put in a complaint about me. "The patient was terminally ill. No-one will listen to your side of things. " Another imp...
  2. uniforms

    I am not sure if there is a thread for this somewhere, if so I apologise for starting a new one! In Calderdale these days (2007) all our health care workers are dressed alike, in a baggy pale blue dress, so that patients and their carers, unless they...
  3. Giving Baths At Night. Agree Or Disagree?

    Hi Daytonite--I dont mind you laughing, but are you laughing at me or the system? I didnt bother having to peel the spuds along with my lowly auxiliary---you would not believe the tasks I have turned my hand to in my career of a district nurse!!!!!!!...
  4. Giving Baths At Night. Agree Or Disagree?

    SORRY got "cut off " I have never worked in it, other than prem babies and they got washed/bathed and fed round the clock! That has other issues and considerations, and if someone is in a coma I dont suppose it matters a jot when you bath them--or b...
  5. Giving Baths At Night. Agree Or Disagree?

    I have occasionally put a patient in the bath overnight--when I did bits of care home work--if it was really "needed"--I am sure you know what I mean! But on the whole I think it might upset the "body clock" of already confused patients. I have alwa...
  6. Giving Baths At Night. Agree Or Disagree?

    Bed-bath-gate A family complainted about me when I was district nursing on nights(I am now retired) because I did not wake their mother--who was terminally ill--up to bed-bath her as she was sleeping peacefully and she was not incontinent or distr...
  7. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    Hi Shananagins----I agree with you over the uniform! As I have said in a previous post that is exactly the case here in Calderdale, West Yorkshire, UK. When I worked as a night district nurse we went out in twos, both in the same uniform, a horrid ba...
  8. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    For June bug--re Marie Curie "nurses"--a wonderful service no dispute, but last tiem I saw their leaflet it did describe them all as "nurses". The patients and carers will not know the difference, unless they scrutinize the id tags and all are called...
  9. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    Hi Twinkle Ears its funny how words get mis--quoted. There were always lots of variations on "catheter" from "cafeteria" to "cataract"! Not to mention "incontinence"-- incompetent, incontinental and inconsequent!
  10. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    ----sorry--trouble with "edit" last sentence should read at least HALF are not qualified nurses. GS
  11. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    Nobody's knocking nursing auxiliaries--they are invaluable and I have worked with some excellent ones--and not so excellent, and not so excellent RgnS ALSO!!!!!!! To some extent you cant blame the general public for alling all uniformed beings "nur...
  12. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    We all wear proper ids but elderly people cannot be expected to read them, especially in the middle of some crisis! I have been a visitor to hospital wards myself and been completely baffled as to who was what, and you have to get fairly close to som...
  13. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    As I said, both of us on nights were called "the nurses" but only one was qualified. Both wore exactly the same uniform--who is going to scrutinize tiny name badges?All the Marie Curie "carers" are called "nurses" whether qualified or not.Their leafl...
  14. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    sorry, I tried to edit these two posts and delete one, as I thought I had lost the first! But gave up in the end! greensister
  15. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    When I worked on the community in Calderdale West Yorkshire the Powers that Be hit on the bright idea to dress nurses and auxiliaries exactly alike so that the public were fooled into thinking the place was swarming with nurses. They did the same in...
  16. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    In Calderdale West Yorkshire where I worked as a district nurse until my untimely end( see Sairy Gamp thread!) The Powers that Be decided on the brilliant idea of dressing nurses and auxiliaries exactly alike so that the general public were fooled in...
  17. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Hi again Fronky---sorry to hear it happens to other people also, I am glad I am retired! I would not like to be working in such an arena any more knowing I had"not as leg to stand on" and anyone in the world, especially if it involved a terminally i...
  18. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Contunued! Because I stood up for myself over the Sairy Gamp allegation management did not like it. I knew the family wanted a doctor really to take their relative off their hands and send her into hospitla then they would not have to admit they cou...
  19. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Thanks Fronkey I guess it is human nature for people's worst to be brought out it some situations and their best in others. On the whole my patients in the community were a pretty decent lot and did allsorts for their relatives in and among our visit...
  20. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Thanks Cheshire Cat You are quite right, and all nurses are at risk from this kind of victimisation and nonsence . This has gone on for 2 years with me not getting any sense or support but I found out plenty when I said I would take it to Tribunal-...
  21. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Thanks Prmens--hope thats right! I will do so. For the ake of all nurses this situation that "we havent a leg to stand on" if a terminally ill patients carers complains about us--for whatever reason, we know they are in stress--I have been there myse...
  22. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Hi Silve Dragon--I used to work in Bradford (UK) as a midwife--I won a prize as well and ws presented to JB Priestley. This is a terrible way to end my career--though I have't run out of fight yet! What did Shakespeare say--- He who steals my purse ...
  23. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Thanks Fronkey--I am really at the end of my tether--that is Yorkshire for wits end, wits end--self explanatory! Sairy Gamp is the drunken night nurse in Charles Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit. She is a name used among nurses for the portrayal of soemoe...
  24. Not a leg to stand on

    Many thanks for your comments. The whole matter is a charade, that is why I am going public as well as taking the Trust to Tribunal after 18 months of bEing shunted up blind alleys by my Union. The whole matter is because I stood up for myself, my re...
  25. Giving Baths At Night. Agree Or Disagree?

    what about waking people up, especilly the terminally ill, to do a bedbath. This silly manager who had obviously been watching more episodes of Where the Heart Is than was good for her , seemed to imagine that as soon as a district nurse stepped thro...