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All Content by Putu2Sleep

  1. MUSC Trauma Unit

    I am thinking about relocating to charleston sc and plan on working in their Surgical Trauma Unit. I now work at a very busy CVICU at a level I hospital in VA and just want to know some information about MUSC. How are the patients? Is it a real b...
  2. Miami University Fl

    Any SRNA's that go to the U here. Looking for info on how the program is, the course load, etc. I'll be starting in the Fall 2009 and just wanting any information about the program you have. I've emailed the coordinator a few times but have gotten...
  3. new and just wondering..

    I don't think schools could give two ***** about whether you have a GED or not. You definitely need to work hard during your BSN and start in a busy high acuity ICU as soon as you graduate. Get your GRE out the way and try and get that CCRN. You d...
  4. What books?.......

    What are everyone's top 3-5 books that they just couldn't live without for your first year of anesthesia school? Would love to hear everyone's opinion on this subject.
  5. What do schools think of a critical care float pool?

    I think the 1 1/2 years in MSICU is good enough. I do think schools maybe look down at float pool just because (at least in my experiences) float pool nurses don't get the sick patients and are usually stuck with the boarders or the chronic patients...
  6. Orlando Area

    I will be a SRNA starting this fall and am thinking about moving to the Orlando, FL area after school. I know it's a while away but just wondering if anyone has any incite into this area. I want to work at a level I hospital after school and was lo...
  7. University of Pittsburgh's CRNA program...

    what if any clinical questions were you guys asked during the interview?
  8. Transfer to SICU?

    I would go ahead and switch to the SICU as soon as you can and rack up that experience. You can get your BSN at the same time. It might be a little harder cause you'll be new to the SICU but the experience you will have will benefit you in the long...
  9. THAM solution

    So just got a patient out of the OR today that was a cocaine OD that had a type A dissection as well as a leaking AAA. Had an ischemic gut that was stented and fixed and had a cold leg that required a fem fem bypass. The type A wasn't able to be re...
  10. need help university of pittsburgh or upenn?

    Can anyone give me some insight on the Univ. of Pitt interview. What types of questions did they ask you, was it a panel interview, etc. Any help would be great.
  11. Orlando Area

    Sorry but the traffic can't be no where near what I'm dealing with in D.C. But yea I want a busy hospital so that does sound good. Thanks for the info.
  12. Am I the only one??

    No offense to anyone but if you have PTSD from attending CRNA school maybe it just wasn't meant to be. That is just crazy to hear that people get that upset over people bad mouthing you or hazing you like I've heard in this forum.
  13. Good Experience for CRNA School

    I would go to where ever you will get the most experience with invasive lines, multiple vasoactive drugs, and vents. Schools like surgical ICU the best from the ones I've seen but if you MICU deals alot with septic shock and things like ARDS with mu...
  14. Miami University Fl

    Just curious if you could tell me the books they used for the advanced pharm and advanced patho? Also do they go into much physiology about the systems or is it mostly just patho? Thanks for your quick responses.
  15. Miami University Fl

    Hey giberga thanks for replying. Just wondering if you could give me anymore details on those two classes. Also I didn't notice they had a chemistry course, do they go over any of the organic chem stuff during pharm or what?
  16. Vasoactive meds/ Inotropes + Rate

    it makes them faster initially but the drip is still only going at what the pump is set to for the levophed or whatever you are using. when our fresh hearts come out and say they are on epi @5mcg, levo @ 10mcg, primacor, etc. we still have all that ...
  17. Which is better CCU or SICU for CRNA?

    I'm just curious to why you would even think a small community hospital would give you better experience than a big hospital's SICU, makes no sense to me. But SICU is better experience IMO than a CCU
  18. I'm in!!!!!!

    pts come out with propofol and still with paralytics on board. once we reverse we shut off the sedation. our aortic pts (Ao dissections, AVRs, etc) we use precedex instead of propofol and leave that on till about an hour after extubation.
  19. I'm in!!!!!!

    Just got accepted to Miami University for Fall 2009. So excited that I finally got the letter. Any Miami students or anybody with some info on the school please reply. Thanks in advance and good luck to everyone else waiting.
  20. I'm in!!!!!!

    actually we do give the reversals to speed up the extubation time. that is one of our main goals upon receiving the patient from the OR. and secondly i have yet to see any real tachycardia from giving the neo. if anything our patients hearts are s...
  21. I'm in!!!!!!

    For our open heart cases anesthesia does not give reversals in the OR. We decide when we want to give them if the patient is stable enough. We reverse them within the first hour of coming out of the OR if they are stable. If the patient comes out ...
  22. I'm in!!!!!!

    My gpa was a 3.1 (nursing GPA probably around 3.6) with 950 on my GRE and I had a little over 3 years of ICU experience in Neuro ICU and 1 year in a Cardiothoracic ICU for 1 year with experience with VADs, Heart and Lung Transplants, IABPs, etc. Als...
  23. "Must have's" for school and clinical

    what would everyone say is a must for your first semester of a didactic program
  24. Columbia Direct Entry???

    I'm just curious what schools offer this direct entry CRNA program?
  25. any advice on interviews....

    just be prepared. if you mention anything in your interview like what your sickest patient was on, his history, anything, just be ready to back it up. for my interviews i led the way i wanted them to go. if i mentioned neostigmine i was expected t...