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All Content by Putu2Sleep

  1. MUSC Trauma Unit

    Sorry but just because I like taking care of very ill patients does not mean I have a hero complex. Maybe you should just mind your business. I personally like critical care and love the adrenaline from sick post op hearts and fresh traumas, this d...
  2. Is there a max dose of Levophed?

    We would go to our sepsis protocol which is 300mcg/min max and Neo we would go to 700mcg. This is only for our really septic shock patients
  3. MUSC Trauma Unit

    all these views and only 1 post. wow thanks for all the help lol
  4. Online courses or not...

    I am planning on taking organic chemistry and possibly biochemistry. My delemma is that if I take these courses at the university I'm near its 2 days a week about 1hr 15min per day and then the lab alone is 4 hours on another day (and thats just the...
  5. My chances, please reply with anything

    When I apply for CRNA school I will have 2 years experience in the Neuroscience ICU and 2 years experience in the CVICU at a Level I Hospital rated top 50 in the country for heart surgery. I have my CCRN and I precept new graduates. I will have com...
  6. My chances, please reply with anything

    Thanks for all the posts. I was worried because of my first years GPA and all the Ds and 3 Fs I had. But since then I made all As and a few Bs. Thanks again for the incouragement.
  7. Gre

    Most schools require at least a combined 1000 and some require certain scores on the analytic part as well. I've seen some schools same at least 4, or even 4.5. If you didnt get 1000 I would definetly retake it.
  8. Online courses or not...

    I spoke with Texas Wesleyan and they said they would use VCU's class as credit for their chemistry prereq. Does anybody know any other schools that take it or do most probably because VCU was rated #1
  9. Online courses or not...

    ccusherry not sure where you were looking but i just searched their entire course catalog and penn state does not offer ANY chemistry courses online. they dont even have chem as a choice to use to search for chem classes online
  10. Online courses or not...

    Ok I just found out that VCU offers a course called: NRSA403-Foundations for Medicinal Chemistry. They offer this course through their campus if you have not had an undergraduate chem class and need one which is required for their program. I am aski...