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All Content by Putu2Sleep

  1. I'm in!!!!!!

    its the miami university in florida
  2. I'm in!!!!!!

    i got my letter by us mail
  3. Difference between Nurse Anesthesia School and Nursing School???

    for nursing school i didnt have to study all that much but from talking with everyone thats in crna school thats all you will do regardless of what you did in nursing school. it is graduate school; completely different than undergrad. if you are no...
  4. VCU Interview

    Just got offered an interview at VCU. Whoever has had an interview there or will be interviewing that has information please respond back. I am just wondering how their interview process is and what kind of questions I should be expecting. I know ...
  5. Staffing Ratio for VAD Patients

    in my hospital its 1:1 coming out of the OR but if they are stable a few days out we will make them 1:2. ive had 2 vad patients at one time
  6. iphone as PDA

    all the books im lookin at on my iphone all say "this is a one year subscription which includes all updates and new editions" does that mean i have to pay $48.71 each year for Sota Omoiguis book or what?
  7. VCU Interview

    I havent heard anything from the school or anybody else. Hopefully we hear something soon though.
  8. NEW to CRNA, have questions..

    First off, critical care experience as a RRT does not count as the critical care requirement that schools want as a RN. And as for the Bachelor's degree. Most schools just say a Bachelors degree in something other than nursing is ok, but you have t...
  9. Does your unit do it's own CRRT?

    we will mostly do CRRT 1:1 but there have definitely been times I've had a CRRT patient and another patient. I've even had an LVAD Ventrassist patient and a Thoratec BIVAD patient at one time before. its not common but it does happen. what makes m...
  10. idk, in my icu we do all the vent management for the post op hearts. the only time we use rts is if we need assistance bag suctioning or something. but shoot i would love to be 1:1 nursing for any vented patient
  11. i find that just hilarious. unless the patient is fresh out the OR from open heart surgery or on a fresh VAD, CRRT (which we still pair sometimes), or an open chest that is unstable they are never 1:1. having a vented patient should never be 1:1 in...
  12. bored already?

    for you only having a year of experience i find it hard to believe you are not learning anything or feeling stagnant. we get people in my icu that think they know everything after a few months and feel they can take the sickest of the sick patients ...
  13. CCU experience sufficient for CRNA school??

    CCU is good experience. but really if you love the heart why not try the CVICU. you will get the heart patients and get the surgical experience that CRNA programs look for. CVICU you will get every patient vented and still get those post MI patien...
  14. VCU Interview

    interviews are about 4 hours. they are laidback and just ask the regular questions, why you want this, how you've prepared. everyone was very friendly. had only one clinical question. still very very stressful but they are definitely not there to...
  15. Being an SRNA

    I would suggest using the search option or reading through the threads that are already up. This has been asked so many times.
  16. Hyperkalemia AND Sine Waves

    i find it hard to believe even by starting crrt and giving all the insulin and Ca it didn't change. did you try kaxalate?
  17. Question about meds and PCI

    i would say you hold the ASA and the metformin. Usually ASA is held like 5 days prior to PCI and the metformin should be held because the patient was probably NPO after midnight anyway and won't really need it.
  18. Hyperkalemia AND Sine Waves

    what exactly was the patients K throughout the day
  19. Question about dopamine

    Dopamine is an inotrope that can increase the pt's HR and in turn increase myocardial oxygen demand making the chest pain even worse.
  20. Insight into programs?

    I have heard bad things about Georgetown and I've seen them accept individuals that I would never let touch me in the OR. The CRNAs I've talked to have said bad things about it and how the people coming from there are not as good as the ones coming ...
  21. Acronym's

    CVICU - Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit MICU - Medical Intensive Care Unit SICU - Surgical Intensive Care Unit TICU - Trauma Intensive Care Unit NSICU - Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit CABG - Coronary Artery Bypass Graft IABP - Intra-Aortic Ballo...
  22. Which was harder and how much chemistry?

    seriously there should be no question that getting a graduate degree is harder than an undergrad rn degree. search through these forums and you will see the amount of hours needed to graduate with a MSN in anesthesia
  23. Experience before CRNA School

    pretty much you will need AT LEAST 1 year of ICU experience. i do know that programs will accept NICU or PICU but they mostly prefer adult ICU. talking with many different CRNA's they say their programs really loved CVICU or a SICU
  24. VCU Interview

    I got a phone call from VCU and they gave me the choice of two different days I could do the interview. But no I don't work at UVA, I work at Inova Fairfax Hospital
  25. Fall 2009 - Where is everyone applying?

    I applied to VCU, Univ of Maryland, Univ of Pitt, and Univ of Miami. Just got the call today from VCU for an interview. So damn excited. Just wish I knew what to look forward to related to the interview and the questions they're going to ask me.