Trauma, Teaching

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” Thomas Jefferson

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All Content by JBudd

  1. JBudd

    Integrity - Should I say something

    @ Queen Tiye, absolutely, which is why I said "if it affects patient care or ... unprofessional behavior". Which all of the things you cited do and are. I don't want to work with racists or bigots either, but I do recognize that everyone gets to ch...
  2. JBudd

    Anxious About Clinicals

    I had a student on her very first day of clinicals stay up far too late working on her care plan. It was..... not very good. When I was critiquing it, she lost it. Full blown tears, sobbing, etc. I was so embarrassed for her I couldn't say anythi...
  3. JBudd

    "How are we doing today?"

    LOL, my answer is usually "My half of us is fine, how's your's?"
  4. JBudd

    Integrity - Should I say something

    On the previous page, the OP said the school was already aware of the cheating.
  5. JBudd

    Integrity - Should I say something

    You are quite welcome. Sounds like a person to avoid.
  6. JBudd

    Integrity - Should I say something

    Before making a stink about it, you need more than assumptions. I personally can say thank you in about 10 languages. I often have thanked our maintainance staff in Spanish, they do a great job in the classrooms I have used. Stick to reporting what...
  7. JBudd

    Integrity - Should I say something

    Again, was it derogatory? I am not Hispanic, and I do speak and use Spanish a lot at work. I personally don't use Snapchat, so am not familiar with how public it is. If you received it, you are free to share it with your dean.
  8. JBudd

    Integrity - Should I say something

    I didn't catch the part about the video being made by the other person. Was it put out publicly? Is the use of Spanish somehow derogatory towards this person? (sorry, to me Gracias Senor also translates as "Thank you God"). Around here we all use...
  9. JBudd

    Integrity - Should I say something

    People are free to have whatever opinions they want, morally disgusting or not, political, religious, etc. The only time you should say anything to the school is if it affects patient care or you witness unprofessional behavior in clinical. You can...
  10. JBudd

    Nurse as a Patient?

    I had a colonoscopy done, (yeah, I'm at that age); and kept telling them my IV hurt. Got to the next room, and it swelled to a goose egg. Different nurse tried the hand, it blew, he pulled it and put pressure on but couldn't stop the bleeding (unti...
  11. Just be sure you notify NSO immediately!
  12. JBudd

    Mini Rant

    Have you tried to meet with the manager of a floor you want to work on? And give them your work experience, and ask if they would look at your application despite being "weeded out". Lot of people have told me the hospital recruitors were not help...
  13. JBudd

    $3.85 dollars an hour. I may cry

    I don't think the BON is trolling, no. I do think if any problems in the future come up, and her background gets looked at in depth, there is the possibility of this coming up. All it takes is one slip of the tongue about posting things.
  14. JBudd

    $3.85 dollars an hour. I may cry

    yeah, that (above post). BONs don't like illegalities that can call your trustworthiness into doubt.
  15. JBudd

    Co-worker issue

    I'm on the fence here, since you do work for the place it is conceiveable the nurse was embarrassed to be called out. On the other hand, having a wrong BP noted in your mom's chart is worse. And a nurse that doesn't know how to fit a cuff & cl...
  16. JBudd

    Anxious, depressed, and might need to go to HR.

    Sounds like HR worked the way it should for once ? Good for you! Despite all the stress, you took care of you (keep up the counseling), made a proactive move and ended up in a good place. Whether or not it is permanent, it is what you need at this ...
  17. I like the people of my job, been in my current spot 23 years, so something must be going well......... The politics of modern health care? not so much.
  18. JBudd

    New Nurse Precepting a New Grad Nurse

    So, AllyAnnie, is there an update?
  19. JBudd

    How Much was your First RN Paycheck?

    In 1981, $9 and some change, an hour. Minimum wage was 1.23 or so. Almost 9 times the minimum wage! Now, less than 5 times the minimum wage........
  20. JBudd

    Trump's 'religious conscience'

    As a Christian, I will not participate in actively ending the life of a viable fetus. I will care for, and extend empathy/sympathy/etc. for the woman who is going through that, if she arrives in my ER bleeding or having any complications. That sai...
  21. JBudd

    New Nurse Precepting a New Grad Nurse

    The only good thing about a newbie precepting, instead of a crusty old bat like me, is you still remember all the questions and things that are new to you. I take a lot for granted, and can feel surprised when someone doesn't know something that see...
  22. JBudd

    Athletic/Muscular Scrubs for Men

    Have you considered making your own? Scrub pants patterns are quite easy, and you can adjust them to fit the way you like. If you don't sew, there are people out there who do, and once they tailor a fit for you, it shouldn't cost a fortune to simpl...
  23. JBudd

    Virtual/Hallway patient

    Not only are we not "in the ratio" (my management doesn't acknowledge a hard number ratio); we are not staffed at night to cover all the holds. Our staffing goes down according to the usual number of ER pts during the night. Once the admit orders a...
  24. NSO for me too, for all my 38 years. Been deposed twice, but didn't have to defend in court. I like the feeling of my safety net.
  25. JBudd

    Grad RN and Single Mom

    I honestly don't see how you can care for a toddler during the day and still get enough sleep to be safe to work. If you do call and have to decline, be sure to pitch it that you can't get daycare for the little one after all. I doubt they will let ...