Trauma, Teaching

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” Thomas Jefferson

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All Content by JBudd

  1. JBudd

    termination :(

    Nevertheless, on any interview, you can clarify that it was during orientation. Makes a difference. Not being ready for a unit is far different than some egregious bad thing that you did or didn't do.
  2. JBudd

    termination :(

    First off, hugs, you've had a big disappointment. Second, you didn't get fired, you were let go during orientation; big difference on your resume but not emotionally. Yes, you can go back, she told you to! She likes you, just thinks you aren't ready...
  3. JBudd

    My Life as a Nurse

    I identify with so much of what you've said, although I was never in NICU itself. 38 years; medsurg, volunteering in Bangladesh and India, more medsurg with an oncology emphasis, the whole AIDs crisis, holding delirious patients' hands and doing imag...
  4. Follow policy, but if not actually on neutropenics be really careful anyway. During my 2nd bout of chemo (3rd drug), my white count was actually normal so I felt sort of safe going out to a public event. The next day I spiked to 104F, missed my chem...
  5. JBudd

    Just graduated from CRNA school

    Just wanted to say congratulations!
  6. The difference between family members giving meds, is they only have one person, one set of medications, to keep track of. Seems like CNAs have much greater potential for error than family, as they have many more than one person to deal with. CNAs a...
  7. CNAs or MAs? Lots of places use MAs (medication assistants) who have some training in passing meds (not pharmacology), even give vaccinations.
  8. Just turned 60, still doing 12 hour nights in the ER (fortunately, just 2 a week). I briefly tried going back to 8 hour nights when the kids were tweenies, but it didn't work. I had less time with them than with the 12s.
  9. JBudd

    Ridiculous medical mistakes on TV

    NCIS episode with a "bald" cancer pt who had perfect eyebrows & lashes... with mascara no less. Um, I decided to "pretty up" one day with some makeup, and found I had NO eyelashes, not only was I bald but evverry piece of hair everywhere was ...
  10. JBudd

    Jury Duty

    Must be local, as it is not true in my state.
  11. JBudd

    Jury Duty

    I've been summoned so many times I can't keep track of them all. Ended up on 2 juries, both murder cases, one federal & one local. I had to show up every Monday morning for the federal pool for three months!), but our contract said if we weren't ...
  12. JBudd

    Punny nursing names

    So,,,, what did you finally choose? Enquiring minds want to know!
  13. JBudd


    soft enough to use, scratchy enough to scrub it clean!
  14. JBudd

    New Grad

    Yeah, looking back at it, you're right. Don't put it as goals. SMH
  15. JBudd

    New Grad

    Both of them are expensive, and easier to pass once you have some experience under your belt. You can list them as goals on your resume; most employers pay for the classes if they are required for your area when you get hired. TNCC and ENPC are good...
  16. JBudd

    Is this nursing burnout?

    Your primary is an idiot. You don't "got it", you got blown off. Find someone who will help with the anxiety, as Calliope said. My adult children all have anxiety in one way or another, and therapy helps!
  17. JBudd

    Punny nursing names

    Nurse Vamp Staticus Dramaticus (no, that's the waiting room patients....) Idra Blud ( I draw blood) CeePeeArrrrr Needles Code Red
  18. JBudd

    Ridiculous medical mistakes on TV

    It does actually, we often send someone with deep lacs from broken glass to see if there is anything in there. But if someone came in with the possibility of glass in their neck, there sure as heck would have already been an xray!
  19. JBudd

    Is this nursing burnout?

    It does sound like burn out but more like depression (not that I am in any way qualified to diagnose that), before dropping it all for less, seek some counseling. If, on paper, it is a dream job, maybe someone could help you have it be that. Under...
  20. Except that it was a woman who tried to leap onto the back of my colleague, and I am the one who ran after her, grabbed her by the arm and put her to the floor. It was a woman who threw a punch at me and dang near broke my glasses, after I had securi...
  21. JBudd

    Ever been a clinical instructor?

    Pros: extra cash, good refreshing of your own skills, not so much stress on your back (lots less lifting), get to meet new and eager "youngsters", and when hiring time comes along, you know which people to recommend to your manager, and which to avo...
  22. JBudd

    Very First Nursing Job

    Glad to see you "made it there", Almostthere19!! Go in with an open attitude, be willing to learn, and don't take much of it personally. People say stuff, that isn't actually against or about you, but some new folks get all hung up over it. Learn t...
  23. JBudd

    How often do you wash your scrubs? :)

    Definitely after every shift. Who knows what you were inadvertantly exposed to, that you don't know about? Then let it sit and incubate until you put the stuff back on? and in my house, the dog hair...... lol
  24. JBudd

    What is a Masters in Nursing used for?

    Sounds more like one for managers, case workers, public health, etc. Very Vague. My masters is specifically in education, Master of Science in Nursing Education. I did all the core basics for a masters in nursing, philosophies, core policy making...
  25. JBudd

    Recording Lectures?

    I always allowed audio recording, but not visual, and very specifically in the syllabus stated it could not be posted in any way, social media, you tube, etc. Recording without permission is illegal in some places.