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About prowlingMA

CMA at Cancer Treatment Center

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  1. Oregon LPN schools

    I know there are about 20 schools in Oregon who offer LPN programs. Are there any that should be avoided? Any that have a good reputation? Are they as hard to get into as nursing
  2. 7 yo with Schizophrenia on Oprah

    There was a special on Discovery Health about the same little girl called " Born Schizophrenic'. Having a family member who committed suicide due to schizophrenia ( and two other family members...
  3. The Suicide Tourist

    One1's links giv there clearing verbage of the laws as they are now. Living in Oregon I see some of this first hand. At the Oncology clinic I work for our doctors are willing to write perscriptions...
  4. My Dad......

    Working in an Oncology office I can see some of your anxiety. These kind of issues can be very scary and emotional. But it sounds like the Dr.s are doing their research and finding what exactly is...
  5. New Grad Jobs in Oregon???

    Welcome to Oregon. The major facilities in this area are OHSU, Providence Health System,Legacy Health System, Adventist, and Tuality. They each have several hospitals in the area. Online applying is...
  6. I have 2 gross out to add. The first being oral cancer pt. I looked like she had a giant white gum ball in her mouth. When i leaned down to get her vitals, the smell hit me. Litterally the smell of...
  7. Funny Websites or Blogs With Nursing or Hosp Stuff

    I really like Dr.Grumpy in the House. It is really
  8. Charting blood draws in an office

    We have a template "questionaire" that we do. We enter: time, R or L, ac or other site, # and color of tubes
  9. How does your medical office flow?

    I work in a Oncology office so things may be a little different. -Walk ins- hate 'em, we have a triage nurse that can usually address most of the issues or triage them to schedule an appointment. You...
  10. Curious

    A Dr. I work for was on Mystery Diagnosis.They came to our office and filmed the scenes of the patient getting care. They were very nice and asked lots of questions to get accurate information. It was...
  11. MA verses LPN

    Advice from a CMA. If you want to be a RN eventually I would say go for the LPN. If you want to stay as an MA then go the MA route. It really depends on what your eventual goal is. Having been a CMA...
  12. Share The Weirdest Reasons Patients Push The Call Light

    Working in an Alzheimers home you see some funny stuff. One day a little man calls me over " hurry hurry come quick". I come over by him and he lets a big fart. I busted out
  13. How many of your hospitals/clinics offer alternative medicine?

    The clinic I work at has a massage therapist come maybe once a month who does sliding scale fee. A lot of the staff get massages when he is here too. We also have a meditation room ( which no one ever...
  14. CPR certification

    I would keep up your cert. anyway, so it is one less thing to do in school. It is not too expensive through the Red Cross or other
  15. Heparine, Lovenox, Coumadin... which one?

    I am a CMA at a hem/Onc clinic. For the most part what I have seen is heparin is used mainly for emergency situations and maintaining central lines. Lovenox and Arixtra are often perscribed to raise...