mizfradd CNA

med/surg, psych, public health

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All Content by mizfradd

  1. mizfradd

    Most Embarassing Nursing Moments

    :chair: :roll
  2. It sounds like a 50/50 situation to me, 50% good in the fact that a specialty like this would help identify both true and misdiagnosed cases, but also factor in the other 50% where the article states, "the subspecialty will make it more difficult for...
  3. mizfradd

    Laughter, the Best Medicine for Nursing School Blues

    :roll:lol2: Thanks for sharing a well written and descriptive account of part of your nursing program. Ok, considering hindsight is 20/20 and you are a nurse and you never plan to quit laughing, I just have to ask...did you decide against the "NEVER ...
  4. mizfradd

    New CNA!!!

  5. mizfradd

    Germophobic considering Nursing. please help!

    Have you thought about seeking some professional counseling for your phobia? A behaviour analyst would be a great one to consult! Do you have an EAP through work that could recommend available help to you? It's worth a try and if you don't try, you ...
  6. mizfradd


    AMEN to your last sentence, ITA. Also, IMO, Many RMA's misrepresent themselves, and that is totally dishonest.
  7. Just be in what I like to call, "the now zone". Contemplate the steps of what you are to do now (while it is happening). Also, add some humor to your thoughts if you feel anxious by imagining the test giver as being dressed in only underwear. Best ...
  8. mizfradd

    I feel awful...

    Please don't keep blaming yourself, the other posters are 100% correct...he could have gotten it anywhere, not necessarily transported home by you! Look, when people push grocery carts nowadays they are at risk for MRSA, it's practically eveywhere. Y...
  9. mizfradd

    Afterbirth: It's What's For Dinner

    okaaaay, i agree there could be some truth to it all, but after watching that.... please excuse me while i use my brain bleach! [color=white]7 hmm, also just wondering how the placenta lady advertises and how one gets into that particular profession...
  10. mizfradd

    CNA giving medications....

    The LPN should have stayed and watched her consume the ENTIRE contents of that cup. If the LPN did this in a dining hall, she is actually putting other clients in danger since someone else could pick up the cup & drink from it. This LPN is als...
  11. mizfradd

    New Grad LPN causing problems

    Like Libbyjeanne said...WOW is right!! You already have a list here of examples, just keep documenting more as they happen. You are the RN and usurp the LPN's authority, have a little talk with her and let her know if situations don't change that yo...
  12. mizfradd

    Who reads your charting?

    Besides the state auditors who usually come quarterly but are known to bee-bop in any ol' time for a surprise visit, there's the NS, ANP's, RN's, LPN's & other CNA's who read my charting due to mandatory peer review meetings bi-monthly. We reall...
  13. mizfradd

    State skill test tomorrow!

    :ancong!: and good luck on your job interviews!!
  14. mizfradd

    Did you learn how to do a manual BP in your CNA class?

    OMG, yes...you will have to know how to take a bp manually!!!!
  15. mizfradd

    new disease

    The cell phone elbow idea is interesting, but it's not a disease, it's a syndrome.
  16. mizfradd

    Swine flu sneeze game

    Great game for kids, (or anyone) to discover just how many people can be infected with one sneeze. http://www.friv.com/x/sneeze/game.html
  17. mizfradd


    When I worked psych, some of the most common cravings I've seen in pica pts. have been: 1.talcum powder 2.laundry starch 3.chalk 4.dirt 5.soap 6.clay And now that I'm dealing with a lot of pregnant pts. in public health, I see a lot of cravings part...
  18. mizfradd

    Start classes on Tuesday :)

    congratulations! :w00t: you will do great, you sound like a real go-getter!!
  19. mizfradd

    Pt./Family Comments that Leave You Speechless

    After reading all of the above, I'm reminded of my 3 favorite quotes from RN's I've worked with: If only stupid HURT! (I still hear this one almost on a daily basis.) Not all patients are annoying. Some are dead. Why is there no vaccine against stup...
  20. mizfradd

    Swine flu sneeze game

    i respectfully deflect to your hypothesis and will email the gaming site to suggest a black box warning be added that says - warning: children, please do not sneeze more as this could cause the aporkalypse!
  21. mizfradd

    Swine flu sneeze game

    Lamazeteacher, good grief, it's a game...you're entitled to you opinion and have the option of NOT playing it.
  22. mizfradd


    Keep your chins up, there is a job waiting to be had for you both. Try home health agencies, LTC, hospitals, or perhaps even place your own ads in the paper or a marketing booklet like found in malls. I wish you both great luck and remember, don't gi...
  23. mizfradd

    Ok, so hear's my million dollar question for the week......

    I worked with fantastic nurses who showed me all kinds of new things because they knew I was interested in learning. I still miss med/surg. I did ekg's, adl's, accu-checks, vitals and computer charting, phlebotomy, D/C IV's and catheters, hemoccults,...
  24. mizfradd

    Confrontation with a Visitor

    Hypothetical scenario: Imagine the exact same situation that Jo has described, but everyone replying to these posts, please visualize that frail, senile woman as your own 97 yr. old mother. (Really, please take at least 5 seconds or longer and trul...
  25. Oops, sorry James, I realized my mistake in reading & edited! I'm sorry to hear your medical coverage through the state ran out. I hope you will visit your local health dept. & see a primary physician or nurse practitioner who possibly might ...