mizfradd CNA

med/surg, psych, public health

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All Content by mizfradd

  1. Good luck to both of you!!
  2. mizfradd

    Relationship between H1N1 vac and resp distress?

    health dept.'s throughout the nation now have more of the h1n1 vaccines in supply than other medical facilities. at first, adults were thought to need 2 doses, but that protocol was changed to one dose for adults & is still 2 doses for children. ...
  3. mizfradd

    H1N1 vaccine

    health dept.'s throughout the nation now have more of the h1n1 vaccines in supply than other medical facilities. at first, adults were thought to need 2 doses, but that protocol was changed to one dose for adults & is still 2 doses for children. ...
  4. mizfradd

    What does a public health nurse wear?

    congratulations!!! welcome to public health! you will be doing bll's and epsdt's & full physicals as well. you'll also be educating, weighing, measuring & sticking adult moms, (pregnant & postpartum). at our facility the rn's wear navy bl...
  5. mizfradd

    Finally got a job offer, at a great hospital!

    :ancong!: :yeah: :yeah:
  6. mizfradd

    Husband is a new CNA; I see him differently now

    shamcd, I hope you let your husband see exactly what you wrote above. Seeing it will mean so much to him!! Blessings to you both! :icon_hug:
  7. mizfradd

    Starting as a new nursing assistant tomorrow morning

    :ancong!: good luck tomorrow and everyday!!!
  8. those are all the same major issues that the rn's complain about at our workplace! one poor nurse was broken out in hives (after dealing with the manager) when she left after work the other day. and, the poor woman has to worry about something she do...
  9. our manager (except she has red hair) our manager is like a nervous, vicious poodle. there is a book on training vicious poodles to change their behavior. one of the nurses at work said she might buy it and apply some of the retraining principles to ...
  10. mizfradd

    Rules of the Dr.office

    Please don't show up for YOUR appt. to see the Dr. & expect to bring your whole !#$% family & friends into the exam room when YOU are being called to come back to the exam room! WTH?!?
  11. mizfradd

    What Can I Say?

  12. You're welcome. It's a shame that your former co-workers were so nosy about your classification as well as your salary...that is just so rude! I'm glad to hear you are very happy at your new job!
  13. This might differ somewhat according to clinical ladders but IMO, basically, this kind of covers the designations: The RN 1 provides registered nursing care which involves nursing assessment and diagnosis, planning, implementation/intervention, ...
  14. mizfradd

    Let's play I Remember When.....

    Here's another trip down Nostalgia Lane...how about back when hospitals had their own I.V. therapy Dept. RN's? How many of you nurses still lament that loss? They rocked!!! :rckn:
  15. mizfradd

    Let's play I Remember When.....

    I can remember when hospitals across the USA (up until the late '70's) would use a blind man or woman in the radiology unit to develop films. It was not uncommon to see the blind person with a badge ID walking along with their seeing-eye dog, also wi...
  16. mizfradd

    Nurses Say the Darnedest Things!

    :rotfl: :roll
  17. mizfradd

    any body work for county health department

    Are you still a student? If so, you will have a preceptor & have to observe procedures first, (usually throughout the health dept.) and then after a designated time of observation, you'll be assigned to a particular section of the health dept. Do...
  18. mizfradd

    I Hear Voices

    And the mention of ECT...it's still in use. I assisted in ECT when I last worked psych 3 yrs. ago. It can produce remarkable results in a lot of cases.
  19. mizfradd

    I Hear Voices

    This pretty much sums up what happened after de-institutionalization:
  20. mizfradd

    Cna job hospital vs ltc

    If you're looking to train further in your career, I'd suggest the LTC. If you're happy with being a CNA II, I'd say go with Duke University Hospital. I'm a CNA II (second career) & have never worked in LTC, only hospitals & now public healt...
  21. mizfradd

    Don't know how to cope with it all.........

    MossyOakGirl, are you working 3 straight 12's? I did that for quite awhile, but found out stretching days in between made a difference for me.
  22. mizfradd

    Difficult family members/visitors

    :yeahthat: :roll
  23. mizfradd

    Should I be a CNA -- I'm 44yrs old!!! Is it too late for me?

    don't just wait and contemplate.. go for it!!
  24. mizfradd

    Don't know how to cope with it all.........

    Maybe what she really meant to say is she carries the sharps to the hazardous waste room?
  25. mizfradd

    Difficult family members/visitors

    It does seem like there are more of 'em walking around outside than what should be locked up on the inside! :chuckle