

Acute Spine, Neuro, Thoracic's, LTC

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About lilaclover

lilaclover has 3 years experience and specializes in Acute Spine, Neuro, Thoracic's, LTC.

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  1. Are there Rn jobs in Edmonton/Calgary? 2016

    I don't know about the RN situation, but there are ZERO LPN jobs here in calgary. I have 8 years of experience and recently lost my position at a private clinic due to the oil crisis. I've been...
  2. Resume and Cover Letter Help... Please

    Not sure where in Alberta you are but I'm in Calgary and have 8 years of experience. I've applied to about 50 jobs over the last couple months with no responses either. The job market is horrible...
  3. Calgary Job Situation

    Oh man it's BRUTAL right now. I feel bad for any new grads because it's got to be next to impossible to find anything. Im just about to come off mat leave and will not be returning to my clinic job...
  4. Calgary or Edmonton?

    I moved to Calgary from BC about a year and a half ago and I absolutely love it here! I am single and had absolutely no problem meeting friends. I actually find the people of Calgary to be very...
  5. AUPE - LPN Contract is Up

    However I must add that I for one certainly don't want to be working any OT :zzzzz
  6. AUPE - LPN Contract is Up

    I'm interested to see what happens as well. Really hoping we see the wage increase we deserve that reflects our scope here in
  7. Hey guys, sorry I've been away from for a while for various reasons I won't get into right now. But I just decided to check back in today and saw that this thread was active again. Just...
  8. Pct refused delegation

    Seriously though, it just makes me so mad. When you have care aides like this I would just as soon not have them there at all. This lady does absolutely nothing and I mean it. I have worked with some...
  9. Pct refused delegation

    Funny, I just had this exact situation happen to me last week. I am new on a busy Med/Surg unit and was in a ward room hanging an IV med for one pet and having some pump difficulties. While I was in...
  10. I do initial admitting assessments all the
  11. Copy and pasted directly from the Alberta LPN competency profile : A Licensed Practical Nurse will: S-2-2 Demonstrate knowledge and ability to provide full health assessment of the client including,...
  12. I live and work in Canada as a LPN and we most certainly do assessments!!! I work on a very acute hospital unit and have sole responsibly for 4 -5 pt's on a day shift. If I am not responsible for...
  13. WHOAAAA!!!! Better do your homework before posting such a claim. I am not even going to comment any further than this because anything I say from here on in will not be nice. Fellow LPN's care to...
  14. Does this job sound like a scam?

    This DEFIANTLY a scam!!! I responded to an apartment on on Craigslist once and there response email had very similar wording. Apparantly these people have a whole pile of different scams going
  15. Didn't need the sarcasm. I bet you are a real ray of sunshine to work