I have seen phenergan ordered to be given with narcotics to potentiate the effect of the narc to avoid increasing to a higher dose of the narc. Im sure there are patients who prefer the rush they...
You want to bring the BS down slowly and controlled... if it comes down too quickly it can cause cerebral edema. We have an endocrinologist that has us actually hang a D5 gtt with an insulin gtt once...
I am an experienced ICU nurse (medical and surgical) and for the most part like my job but have been thinking about trying out another area in nursing, specifically the OR. Pros to my current ICU job:...
Lucyinthesky replied to hell000nurse's topic in MICU, SICU
I think it is agreed by all that the BEST route is via a central line but this is not immediately possible in all hospitals. While you are awaiting your central line Levophed may be necessary in a...
Lucyinthesky replied to Lucyinthesky's topic in MICU, SICU
toes wouldn't help if they are on pressors... earlobes are unreasonable for hourly checks... and believe it or not very few of our patients have A-lines... even when they are vented and we have to do...
I am a new nurse in the ICU and would like to know if anyone has any suggestions on obtaining accurate blood sugars on patients who are so edematous and peripherally constricted (usually on Levo) that...
I am a new nurse still orienting to the ICU, so yes, I am very green. I had my first experience with what was originally thought to be grand mal seizures but was soon suspected to be pseudo-seizures....
I am a new grad who had to finance her way through college and I ended up taking a home equity loan instead of a student loan. The advantage at the time was a lower interest rate and it is tax...
Lucyinthesky replied to luvsmomsbabies's topic in Ob/Gyn
I just graduated in May but did my preceptorship in maternity. I developed my own report sheet to help with organizing my information and to keep up while listening to report. I have room for both...
I used to work as proofreader years ago and misspelled words drive me nuts. They don't bother me so much on here or when something is handwritten but when there are typos in a menu at a restaurant or...
I have had problems with my feet since I was a teenager (and so have my mother and grandmother BTW). I have found that going barefoot is the worst thing I can do, even around the house. If I am...
As a student I have had both wonderful and terrible nursing instructors. The biggest difference between the two that I have noticed is the really good instructors are encouraging, approachable and...
I am not a nurse yet but I am a mother of three. I have had them all vaccinated, I breastfed, and used common sense when they were sick to not push meds down their throat for every little symptom....
My A & P lab exams were similar as they were set up in stations but they were at least multiple choice which helps narrow it down if you're not sure. The hardest part for me was the 1 minute time...