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About NurseEllis

NurseEllis has 1 years experience and specializes in ICU.

Paramedic by trade, work in EMS for 12 years and now work in hospital as a ICU nurse

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  1. Name the hospital and its Starting Salary!!!

    I work at Wilson Regional Medical Center in Johnson City, part of UHSH health system. I started in the ICU as a GN making 22.03/hr with 4/hr night diff. General Hospital (the other hosptial in the...
  2. ICU here I come

    I do love Critical Care medicine, it is what I my blood as they say. Unfortunately in NY you have to have 1 year RN experience to work in the ER, state law. I did try to get a waver as I'm...
  3. ICU here I come

    All I can say going into the ICU is "culture shock". That about sums it up. I have had some bad patients, and very comfortable with 1 hour, but the ICU nurses must go to all "rapid responses" and...
  4. ICU here I come

    hehe should have been more specific, 2 week general GN orientation....then up to 6 months of unit specific orientation with a preceptor. The ICU manager said she expects me to have less but I won't...
  5. :ancong!::ancong!::ancong!::ancong!::ancong!: :urck: :urck: :urck: :urck: :urck:
  6. ICU here I come

    Graduated from EC on Feb 20th got my ASN diploma in the mail on the 21st. I interviewed for a ICU position on Feb 10th and offered a position on feb 25th. I accepted the position and Im now...
  7. NY uses GN's and loves them. In NY if you graduate from a approved nursing school, they allow you to work 90 days without anything! all you have to do is send of your paperwork for licensure. I...
  8. New EC GN

    agreed Ms Tammy, I already have a BS-bio...looking at a RN-BSN program or RN-MSN one....We have a nice program here that meets one night a week and you can have your BSN in little under 15...
  9. New EC GN

    Thanks everyone! it feels really good to be done with the long journey and to slay that CPNE dragon! Looks like I missed teh cut off for the Jan 20th graduation and must wait now till Feb 20th to get...
  10. New EC GN

    Yup thats right Im a GN, just waiting for my paperwork to go thru and get my Auth. to test for the NCLEX....I did all the nursing theroy exams in little under 7 months and studied for the CPNE in just...
  11. Can't get a job!!!!

    I know in the city NYC they scoop up new nurses hell GN's are getting hired there, hop skip and jump from
  12. Salary to expect as a new grad nurse

    oh I forgot, I work in upstate NY (Binghamton NY) and starting wage for a nurse is 23 (plus night/weekend diff). I was lucky enough to have the hospital pay for school. I was accepted into a nurse...
  13. Salary to expect as a new grad nurse

    THAT has to be wrong, Im sorry, 33k a year for a RN??? no way.....I work as a paramedic, (albeit as supervisor and Assistant Director) and I make 17.50/hr with full benefits (fully paid family health...
  14. YES NY BON accepts EC as a "offical" accrediated school ... here is the website (would be a little dumb for the school that is in the same town as the BON not accept a EC's RN!)...
  15. about 8500 for me, NC1-7, CPNE, Life Span and A&P.....I also took all the practice exams for each test (HIGHLY reccommend!) Chris, NREMT-P, BS,