

Clinical Research, Oncology, HIV, ENT

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All Content by ResearchRN

  1. nursing nutrional scope of practice

    Check out This organization certifies healthcare providers in enteral and parenteral nutrition. I worked at a hospital in Philadelphia where doctors would order a "nutrition nurse consult". The Certified Nutri...
  2. Is there a nurse on the plane?

    Just a bit of nursing and flight history trivia... Originally, young boys were hired to serve food, beverages, and comfort the passengers when they became airsick. Soon, however, it was suggested by Ellen Church, a registered nurse, that women -- spe...
  3. teaching phlebotomy class
  4. Cheap on-line Masters programs

    Try Aspen University.
  5. Back in the 90's when I was a bedside nurse I worked on both the east and west coasts. I did not find any difference in nurses or nursing practice.
  6. Need advise on how much to charge

    You are doing the work of a medical writer. The average annual salary of a medical writer is $50 - 60,000 per year or about $25/hr.
  7. Clinical Research in Nursing

    Monster is still the best site but CenterWatch is a research specific website with job postings.
  8. "Angels of Death"

    We used to joke about patients being candidates for "pillow therapy".
  9. "Doctor" Nurse

    "He tends to like to play with the medicines. If it is working, he will change it. Worse, he likes to decrease the hospice patients pain meds. DECREASE!!! " If he is really adjusting medications (presumably without MD orders) then he is practicing me...
  10. Is anyone working as a research nurse?? I am seeing

    The ads you are seeing are probably for clinical research coordinator (CRC) positions. CRCs are generally responsible for coordinating all of the activities related to one or more studies of investigational drugs or medical devices. The CRC handles...
  11. Nurses crossing picket lines??

    It seems to me that "scab" is a derogatory term directed at specific individuals. I doubt that this site would tolerate the use of other derogatory terms related to race, religion, sexual orientation etc. Scab sounds just as bad to me. I also thin...
  12. Nursing Theory

    The students are gonna love this. I saw a response from someone here stating something to the effect of not having any idea what theory of nursing her school espoused. This got me going. Nursing theory has always been a bone of contention for me. ...
  13. Nursing Theory

    The students are gonna love this. I saw a response from someone here stating something to the effect of not having any idea what theory of nursing her school espoused. This got me going. Nursing theory has always been a bone of contention for me. ...
  14. Graduate Nurses vs. Experienced Nurses

    as an "EN" I found it hysterical
  15. Graduate Nurses vs. Experienced Nurses

    as an "EN" I found it hysterical
  16. Any Success with Dr. Budwig tx for cancer

    If you do a Medline search for the journal citation "Journal American College Nutrition December 2002;21(6):495-505" you get the following. Doesn't sound like the same article to me. Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Simop...
  17. I checked out the website: Sounds too good to be true to me, but you never know.
  18. Assignment on Drug Classification

    It's a typo. antipsoriatic is correct. as is psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, etc.
  19. What's important in pathphys??

    You need to know it all. That's why they make you take it.
  20. have you ever noticed

    Positioning definitely effects blood pressure. If in bed a patient should not be lying on either the right or left side, but should be lying on their back when taking a BP
  21. Nursing without the "yukkies".

    Off the top of my head, I can't think of any area of nursing with patient contact that isn't exposed to some degree of "grossness". I doubt that PA's can avoid it as well. Perhaps healthcare is not for you....
  22. Nurses in Other Professions

    I left bedside nursing after 1 year for a research job and over the next several years moved around the country. As I moved, I took short-term or travel nursing positions, never more than 3 months at a time. Then I was out of nursing for 6 years. ...
  23. What are the top paid nurses?!

    It's all relative. Depends on where you live, how much experience you have and what you do. Where I live, NPs make between $60 and $70,000 a year. Any nurse here with more than 10 years experience is making more than the NPs. It is not uncommon f...
  24. T-tube flush

    We always flush bile drainage tubes. We attach the tube to the drainage bag with a stopcock and usually flush 5cc towards the patient and 5cc towards the bag. If I had to guess I would say that flushing foward is towards the bag.
  25. Sounds pretty typical to me. I've never seen any company match more than 6% on a 401(k) or a 403(b). Have also never heard of health benefits after retirement except in civil service jobs. Our union contract includes a selection of health benefits,...