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About StrwbryblndRN

StrwbryblndRN has 9 years experience and specializes in CMSRN.

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  1. Racism in Nursing: Is It Real?

    As a nurse I've seen little racism amongst coworkers at the hospital. Some patients have been awful though. We had a good mix of staff at the hospital. Many white. black (of many nationalities),...
  2. Where Do I Belong?

    Maybe consider looking into in-house Hospice. Some hospitals have it or lease an area in the Hospital to a hospice group. Not very common though. You have less meds, except frequent end of...
  3. I am a big believer in having my kids pay for their own college. One can live off little if the need arises. I paid my way and I am student loan free. (Would be debt free but things happen). It's...
  4. COVID Faces

    I have noticed. Some coworkers were hired during pandemic, so I am not completely sure what they look like otherwise. But many looked warped to me. Like I am remembering them wrong or
  5. Covid causing increased AMS in dementia patients

    Any infection in dementia residents or elderly without dementia will increase/induce confusion and put them at risk for all sorts of things. Covid is just one of many but is more challenging due...
  6. Allergies? Nope! Covid

    Also, could be allergies and your positive. A large portion of our staff were asymptomatic when they came up positive. Some just thought it was there allergies
  7. I will get it. Not due to fear but because I want to. But it should absolutely not be mandatory. I completely support anyone who
  8. Our staff are tested weekly with or without covid positive residents. If even one staff is positive, all residents that were in contact with staff are tested and quarantined for 14
  9. I can't imagine being able to successfully restrict travel state to state. I can see employers not allowing employees to work or inability to seek certain services until after quarantine but that is...
  10. What's your opinion on nurses dating doctors?

    Meh. I've seen the benefits. My favorite cardiologist, who probably should be retired now, has been married to his nurse wife for over 50 years. He has a soft spot for nurses (not the creepy old...
  11. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    Being that I work nights I have always heard/seen things happen. Very minor. However, things have started happening at home in past 2 weeks. While trying to fall asleep around midnight, my...
  12. Is it wrong to stay in med-surg?

    Don't fix what is not broken. Go for your CMSRN. Expand on what you love. I worked medsurg for over 10 years. Loved it. I left for a change of pace but miss being busy. If I did not...
  13. Transgender nurses?

    I know this does not really answer any of your questions but hope it gives some positive vibes your way. I work with an aide that transitioned while working with us. Changed name during that time...
  14. I have to admit I would rather hear all sides of a discussion, no matter how absurd. When it is too far out the box, it's just
  15. Homebody here. Quarantine did not change my life much. However my vacations usually involve a lot of travel to different parts of the US. I had plans to vacation internationally 2021 but probably...