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All Content by luquacious

  1. For Fun - Things You Want to Buy Once You're a Nurse

    Believe it or not I can't wait to buy "fun" scrubs. We have to wear all white with a very ugly (did I happen to tell you how ugly this thing is) apron. It will be so nice to be able to wear color and to have people think of me as a nurse instead of a...
  2. What a terrible way to start off the new year

    Too funny I didn't read the first messages until now and what it took me to say in a "HUGH" paragraph you saind in a few lines (lol) kudos to you and my sentiments exactly
  3. What a terrible way to start off the new year

    Sorry you feel that way about us 30-40 somethings chasing after a nursing career. I am 42 and will be 43 when I graduate. I didn't do anymore time "chasing" than anyone else (same as the 18-20 somethings lol!). I chose to begin my life differently by...
  4. I hate nursing

    I agree with alem992 you need to find what makes you happy. Nursing is a career you must be passionate about. I don't think that you can half way it or do it because it is a good paying job. I believe the very cranky nurses (to put it politely) are e...
  5. considering nursing school at 45 yo

    You're my hero, survivor08!!!!!
  6. Anyone unhappy with their nursing school program?

    No I am not so happy with it. I will not pursue my BSN through my current school. Do I think that it has challenged us yes, however, our first year was taught by some wonderful ladies (very knowledgable) who just didn't know how to teach. Most of us ...
  7. considering nursing school at 45 yo

    You should do this!!! I am now 42y/o and graduating in May 09 (will be 43). I started taking classes when my daughter was 9mons (now 3y/o) and I now have a 4mon old too. If I can do you it so can you. Can't wait to hear when your grad date is!!! Best...
  8. Like r.oxymoron I too bought one that downloaded to my computer. I have been able to burn some disks or copy to jump drives so other students who missed classes could hear the lecture. It's also been great for when I had to miss a class, I'd get it t...
  9. As a lot have already said, a good recorder, lot's of binders, and some great orangizational skills. Keeping everything in order is a must to stay on top of everything. Aslo, the best careplan book I have bought is the 8th edition of Nursing Diaganos...
  10. Age you will/were graduated?

    I completely agree. I was sick for a week and missed 2 days of school. Even though I find school taxing I couldn't wait to get back. Sitting around on the couch isn't for me either. BY the way I love you screen name, I too have an intimate relationsh...
  11. What do you think about people calling you "honey"?

    You are absolutely right! In every area there is something, and as "Yankee" as I am "you guys" is a very disrespectful way to address someone. Unfortunately, as I have had to do with "honey" you just have to get over it! I will always have a hard tim...
  12. What do you think about people calling you "honey"?

    I agree!!!!
  13. Age you will/were graduated?

    I will be 43 and the mother of a 3 y/o. My sister asked one day (when I was deciding whether to go to school or not), " How old are you going to be in 3 yrs?" I said,"43". She asked, "How old will you be in three years if you go to school?" I said,...
  14. What do you think about people calling you "honey"?

    I am a yankee who lives in the south and though "honey" is more previlant here I have found that even most of the nursing students that I attend college with don't appreciate being called honey and don't aprove of it being used in reference to a pati...
  15. Less Applicants for Nursing Programs?

    All I know is that I had to move from NH to Kentucky to get into a nursing program, due to not enough slots available. The reason being not enough teachers to make the classes larger and the reason for not enough teachers is the pay is low. These ins...
  16. "It shouldn't be that hard to be a nurse"

    Hi this is my first post and I must say I was very prompted to write. I too am a new nursing student and I am very upset with how my school has handled the acceptance of students. The requirements are 21 on your ACT and a GPA of 3.0 or better. There ...