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About erdaynurse

erdaynurse specializes in ER.

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  1. patient satisfaction

    The Money Back Guarantee is a joke!! Who wouldn't take advantage of that!! And, like stated in a previous post, most people don't pay in the first place. I do like the staff survey to send to the...
  2. patient satisfaction

    This just goes to show how far off track the healthcare profession has gotten from actually treating sick and injured patients with appropriate treatments and how the so-called patients of today call...
  3. 2 married ER nurses having an affair

    I have to agree that it is anyone's business that this overt behavior affects. The workplace is not the place to shove an affair in everyone's faces. Also, I agree that sex is not the only way to have...
  4. ER nurses w/ impaired hearing

    There is an NP in our ER who has worked in ERs as an RN and NP for many, many years. She wears bilat hearing aids. She does a great job and I have no concerns about her competence at
  5. Rules for the ER (long)

    Keep 'em coming - this thread is tooooo funny!!! I agree with all of them! If you are the patient or the patient's family, you came here (or brought your loved one here) because you (or he/she) were...
  6. Trauma RN's - A question.......

    I have to agree with Larry - I am an ER nurse but I have done PRN shifts in the ICU. I like ER much better. I think you are better able to hone your critical thinking skills in the ER - plus you have...
  7. Code/Trauma Debriefing

    We do have the Employee Assistance Program, but I was thinking more of a group debriefing. Thanks for the suggestion, though, and I am sorry about your ex-husband. I have one of those, so I know how...
  8. Three really stick out in my mind... 1) Had a patient that came in with a "toy" stuck in his rectum - states that someone put it on the seat of his car as a, I ask, how many of you get into...
  9. Code/Trauma Debriefing

    I was wondering if any of you had standards for staff debriefing after a code or trauma, particularly after a bad one or a pediatric one. Our ER does not debrief staff members at all and I was...
  10. When patients lie about rides.....

    I will usually hold PO and IM medication until the driver arrives and signs for the patient. If the patient has had IV narcotics, I hold all discharge paperwork and prescriptions at the nurse's desk...
  11. 2 married ER nurses having an affair

    If you are comfortable with either of the co-workers having the affair, pull him or her to the side and explain that you (staff) can not control what happens outside of work but that they are being...
  12. ER violence

    We used to have first and last names on our badges, but in response to heavy pressure from the staff after a security issue, our badges no longer have our last names or even
  13. phone calls no outsider would believe

    I am sitting here with tears pouring out of my eyes from reading these! They are hilarious!! We also get "How long is the wait?" and "Can I make an appointment?" We get really annoying nurse advise...
  14. ER must haves

    Pockets: 3-4 black pens (in case the "pen thieves" attack - haha) alcohol swabs small note pad cash ($1 bills and quarters especially for vending machines)Other Stuff: Stethescope around neck (used...
  15. scared to be an ER nurse

    ER nursing should be a little scary - true, most patients are "clinic" patients - dehydration, UTIs, strep throat, toothache, back pain, headache, and the list goes on. We do however see MIs, CVAs,...