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All Content by nickj88

  1. Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program

    Just curious which ones in east valley may qualify. I am doubting any in scottsdale will qualify. Possibly scottsdale healthcare osborn?
  2. Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program

    Does anyone know which hospitals in phoenix area are DSH hospitals? Or what hospitals qualify you to apply for this program?
  3. overtime incentives

    Just curious if anyone knows what scottsdale healthcare OT incentives are (if any)?
  4. Curious about Queem Creek

    I have been scanning the real estate for phoenix area. I am just curious if I could get some info on the Queen Creek area. I see some cheaper newer houses for sale. If anyone can shed some light on this subject it would be appreciated.
  5. Scottsdale Healthcare

    Hello all, I am a current student scheduled to graduate in Dec, 06. I am planning on a move to phoenix in Jan, 07 and was looking into the area hospitals. I am intrigued by Scottsdale health care, primarily the osborn campus. I was curious if anyone...
  6. Scottsdale Healthcare

    I was hoping to work in the ED. I am not to sure if they will accept new grads though. I am pondering applying this week but I may think it is a little to early. I was also hoping for experience in the ICU but I am very open to anything because I fi...