I didn't read all the posts, but I'll just add on from the Navy side of the house. Wt standards have to be meet just like you have to pass the PRT. I know nurses that lost their overseas orders due to...
No group PT at ODS? Man they gave it to you guys easy. All the pt we did at OIS (which is what is was called when I went 3 yrs ago)was group pt. We had no time for pt on our own. LTJG
Hey LCDR Dan, Good to see you on here again! I finally got to the ER, and I love the nursing aspect of it. Of course, I work with some incompent leadership so that made for a little drama but that is...
Ok Ladies and Gents....let me answer some questions since my last post.... Lots of new grads get assigned to mental health and peds....I started out in peds. I hated every minute of it...but peds...
That's may be the silliest thing I've heard a detailer say....we are never "full" for nurses....espeically with deployments and all the nurses PCS right now. Oh well...at least you like where you are...
I can tell you from 1st hand accounts....we always need nurses at NMCSD. So I don't know why they told you that it matter what time of the year it was... Just my 2 cents! LTJG
Just want to add here...being in the military if you are asked to do something....aka ordered to do something it's kind of hard to object to it. Yes if there are some moral reasons...maybe your...
Ok so...San Diego is a good choice for your 1st duty station, and you won't have any problems getting it. Also, it's really easy to get Japan for your 2nd duty station afterwords. However, it is...
So to answer some of the question since I last posted. As a new graduate....you bascilly get assigned any where in the hosptial they need you. You will not get assigned to crictial care areas as a...
I've visited Guam for a few days so I have a general idea bout the island. I'll be there for 3 yrs. Yes, the navy ships all your stuff as part of the move, including your cars. I work with a nurse...
Hello Everyone.... I haven't been on the board in a while. In my absence, I've gotten orders for my next duty station...Guam. I don't PCS until May 2009, but at least I know where I'm going now. It...
This is a sad one... We had a mom call in frantic one day saying her teenage daughter had just took a bunch of pills and wasn't responive....what should she do? She said she was in the car on her way...
navynurse06 replied to ERERER's topic in Emergency
Pt's who take the ambulance to the ER for Sore throat...flu like symptoms, etc. Some people think this is a way to get bumped to the head of the line or get to the back faster. Since I'm in the the...