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About JenniferRDH

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  1. Acceptances for the year 2007

    Starting at MCC in Michigan -ADN September
  2. Dental Assistants Pushing Propofol etc...

    I've been in dentistry for 14 years and have seen good and bad. I for one follow my scope of practice to the letter and have never strayed. Not worth it for me or for my patient. Please remember there...
  3. starting ADN clinicals soon...COLD FEET?

    Thanks for all of the encouraging words. I have been at this site 'visiting' for awhile but rarely do I post. There is so much valuable information posted here that will help with school, I know I'll...
  4. Ok, starting my RN clinicals this fall and somedays it feels like I am taking a big leap with no parachute. Background...35, married with 2 boys, and a practicing dental hygienist for 14 years. I...
  5. BSN vs. ADN income disparity

    I just wanted to add my two cents concerning the whole debate. My first thought was that you picked the wrong career if your main concern was money. Those of us in health related careers know that...
  6. U Of M of Flint Nursing Program

    The one exception that Mott has to all other colleges in the area, is that they have a wait list. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements you are placed on the wait list, which last I heard...
  7. RN programa @st.clair and mott community colleges

    Any thoughts, suggestions, tips etc w/ the nursing program? Like I said I have another year or so but have been having MAJOR anxiety over whether or not I can get through the program. It would have...
  8. Question about entrance exam

    I just took the NET yesterday and found that I completely overstudied! Not that it was a bad thing but I was anticipating the test was going to be brutal and it wasnt at all. I've been a hygienist for...
  9. RN programa @st.clair and mott community colleges

    Hi there, As to which college is better in preparing you for a career in nursing, either is great. I am a practicing hygienist and have asked countless nurses where they have gone to school and which...