

Er and PICU

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About tattooednurse

tattooednurse specializes in Er and PICU.

registered nurse

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  1. Ratios? Do you have them in ER, or are they just for the floors?

    My ED doesn't have any set ratios just how many patients can three nurses
  2. Help: Tattoo Ideas!!

    first congrats on becoming a sleeper:yeah: I have a caduceus on my calf that I got when I graduated nursing
  3. Do I Need to be in the UNION ??

    as a chief steward at my hospital, I appreciate all the backing the your respective unions have from y'ones!!!!!!!!!! I really don't have any thing else to add to this thread that everyone else has...
  4. new er director

    The ED that I am working is working on its 9th in 9
  5. I'm sorry but I'm EXTREMELY irritated by this!

    luvmy3kids, you will find any polls conducted for most respected professions nursing is almost always in the top 5. I am sorry that these comments irritated you because a good many irritated me. You...
  6. I need a volunteer please

    if you still need help I'm
  7. Medication Reconciliation Are all hospitals doing this?

    I work in a busy er and it is hard enough to get someone d/c'd without another piece of paper that the pt doesn't look
  8. pediatric scalp iv

    thank you nothing that I was putting i was giving me a good pic with you rexperience anything that you would put in the
  9. pediatric scalp iv

    Hey guys I currently work at a very busy mostly adult er and but I used to work in a picu. With accordance to my job description I have to do a lecture for professional advancement and was planning...
  10. Do you have a union? Should nurses strike?

    I did work the strike including a 20 hour shift so that the staff was there for the patients and funny thing was the hospital already gave us the raise the union went on strike for pt ratios so the...
  11. Losing confidence in new job b/c of IV insertion?

    IVs are like anyother skill in nursing... just be patient and relax. I t will come to you and remember even the best will miss every once in awhile. I was horrible at them before I came to the er...
  12. Do you have a union? Should nurses strike?

    i have worked for two union hospitals and the first one that I worked did strike and it was not the ALMIGHTY dollar that made me do it but it was the reason that I became a nurse in the first place...
  13. "male" scrub top patterns

    Hey jay, I have the same problem as you. The easiest thing that I have found is if you have access to someone who sews is to go to a fabric store or even walmart has some really good designs and buy...
  14. disturbing article in Wall Street Journal

    were you talking about children's hospital of Pittsburgh? I started my career there using cerner. The hospital gives kyou a six hour class on it before you get to the unit. Then I had a four month...
  15. arkansas children's

    Hey guys I ws wondering if if anyone knew the average pay rate for a RN with three years exp in the PICU at ARK children's I have an interview this MOnday there? ANd any other info would be...